cover of episode Vol.40亚历×何雨珈:打开自己,世界才能进来


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亚历 (Alessandro Ceschi)
亚历(Alessandro Ceschi):本书《我用中文做了场梦》记录了作者在中国六年的生活体验。他认为中文的意义不在于语言本身,而在于它帮助他建立了人际连接,让他有了归属感。他强调在生活中保持流动,在不同身份、圈子之间切换,拥抱变化和未知,才能获得自由和广阔。他认为在与人交流时,要保持开放的心态,真诚地倾听,才能有效沟通,消除隔阂。 在疫情之后,他意识到要更主动地参与到所在城市的文化生活中,并通过写作俱乐部找到了归属感。他认为理想的状态是在多个地方之间流动,保持与自己所爱的地方的连接。他羡慕那些有gap year经历的人,认为这是一种难得的归零和充满可能性的体验。 在与人交流时,他强调要撕掉刻板印象的标签,将对方作为一个人来对待,才能进行平等和有效的沟通。 何雨珈:她认为多年来有所放弃和守护,才拥有了现在的自由和广阔的生活。她分享了自己在翻译《鱼翅与花椒》时,脑中全是四川话的体验,认为语言会影响说话方式,甚至会影响吵架的方式。她认为在其他语言中,可以找到在母语中不敢说或表达的事情,这让她感到更自在。 她认为个性化是好事,但缺乏真正的倾听会让人难过。她认为她拥有一个四川话人格,并在翻译和阅读时,脑中会浮现四川话的语调和节奏。她认为她努力建立的“附近”和同温层,让她在疫情期间感到重要和安全,并帮助她保持生活节奏。 她认为“流动”意味着放下对生活的掌控,拥抱未知的可能性,并认识到人的复杂性。她认为保持流动的心态,包容和开放地接纳不同的事物,让她保持心理健康。她认为认真倾听是现代生活中稀缺的品质,也是跨越隔阂的重要方式。 吴筱慧:作为主持人,她引导两位嘉宾分享了他们对生活哲学、世界理解和保持流动方式的看法。她提到了2008年北京奥运会和巴黎奥运会,以及亚历在南京青奥会上的感受,展现了世界各国文化的碰撞、交流与融合。她引导嘉宾们探讨了“世界”的含义,以及如何描绘心中世界的样貌。她还与嘉宾们探讨了语言对性格塑造的影响,以及如何消除隔阂与人连接。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Alessandro Ceschi choose the title 'I Dreamed in Chinese' for his book?

Alessandro Ceschi chose the title 'I Dreamed in Chinese' because his six-year experience in China felt like a dream—unpredictable, illogical, and filled with surreal encounters. The title reflects the fantastical nature of his journey, where he constantly switched roles and identities, making his experiences feel like a series of dreamlike events.

What does Alessandro Ceschi find special about the Chinese language?

For Alessandro Ceschi, the special aspect of the Chinese language is not the language itself but the connections he built through it. These connections gave him a sense of belonging and made Chinese a significant part of his life, especially during his formative years in China. He uses Chinese for daily communication, writing, and creating meaningful memories.

How does He Yujia describe her 'Sichuanese personality'?

He Yujia describes her 'Sichuanese personality' as a relaxed, lazy, and food-oriented aspect of herself. She often hears Sichuanese in her mind when reading, especially in scenes depicting leisure or relaxation. This reflects her deep connection to the Sichuanese dialect, which she associates with a laid-back lifestyle.

What does Alessandro Ceschi mean by 'staying well' in a place?

For Alessandro Ceschi, 'staying well' in a place means fully immersing oneself in the local environment, whether through curiosity, openness, or active participation. He believes that one's attitude—whether resistant or embracing—shapes their experience and connection to the place.

How does He Yujia define her 'nearby' in Chengdu?

He Yujia defines her 'nearby' in Chengdu as her public life and the community she has built over the years. This includes her social circle, shared interests, and even her birdwatching hobby, which allows her to reconnect with the city in new ways. Her 'nearby' provides her with a sense of belonging and stability.

What does Alessandro Ceschi mean by 'staying fluid' in life?

For Alessandro Ceschi, 'staying fluid' means embracing change and uncertainty, allowing life to unfold without rigid plans. He believes that by remaining open to new experiences and not being tied to a single identity or place, one can find freedom and a sense of belonging in the flow of life.

How does He Yujia approach listening in conversations?

He Yujia approaches listening by consciously suppressing her urge to speak immediately and waiting a few seconds before responding. This allows her to fully absorb what the other person is saying and respond more thoughtfully, fostering more meaningful and effective communication.

  • 亚历在南京青奥会感受到世界多元文化融合
  • 08年北京奥运会志愿者经历,世界在他眼前扑来
  • 十年后对世界连接的理解变化

Shownotes Transcript






亚历(Alessandro Ceschi),游牧写作者,从零开始学中文,新作《我用中文做了场梦》。







7:20 第一次看到世界是什么样的感觉?

11:42 2008年奥运会:世界在向你迎面扑来

17:15 描绘心中世界的样子

22:18 个性的世界永远是好的

24:10 这本书为什么叫《我用中文做了场梦》?

28:01 亚历:中文的特别之处是我通过这门语言创造的连接

32:00 何雨珈:翻译《鱼翅与花椒》时,脑子里全都是四川话

36:50 在其他语言中找到在母语里不敢去说的事情

46:20 所有的语言都需要外来者对它进行活化

50:55 有时候把生活当作一场游戏也是一种放松

51:38 什么是在一个地方留着就好好留着?

57:54 归属感这件事没有人能说了算

1:05:48 每个东亚的孩子都会特别羡慕曾经 gap 过的人

1:17:45 最理想的状态是流动——有的选永远是好的

1:20:20 何雨珈:我建立的附近也是我努力吹出来的泡泡

1:27:40 亚历:继续流动,我就不会被困在任何一个环境中

1:40:20 分享消除隔阂,与人连接的方式


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