#弹心社GenerousTalk# 第27弹《How music therapists support the mental health of kids and teens?|Iliana & Cherub》上线!
Iliana是一位美国注册音乐治疗师。她在华盛顿的一家心理健康机构工作,负责急诊、长期住院部与日间项目,主要服务对象为儿童与青少年。她通过音乐治疗帮助了数百名孩子,包括更好地渡过时间、学习新的应对技巧,或更好地学习与了解如何在日常生活中使用音乐。她还在 Twitch 上以“治愈之歌”的名字进行游戏直播,同时分享她的音乐治疗经验,希望可以让更多人接触到引导式放松体验。
目前所在地: 美国🇺🇸华盛顿
嘉宾介绍Guest bio
Iliana is a board-certified music therapist from the United States. She works in a mental health facility for kids and teens in acute, residential, and day program setting. Her music therapy work has helped hundreds of kids do anything from pass the time, learn a new coping skill, or better understand how they use music already in their daily lives. She also lives streams as "Songs of Healing" on Twitch to talk about her music therapy experiences and help make guided relaxation experiences more accessible while she plays video games.
02:28 What is it like to work in mental health setting with kids and teens?
14:29 Research shows the average person probably listens to about 12 hours of music a week; kids double!
15:07 Spotify recommended music: is it personalized or depersonalized? The trend music therapist noticed.
19:46 The awareness we put into music curation deepen the meaning of the connection.
22:03 Let’s create a music playlist for taking a walk!
30:42 Provide more agency through choices—the reasoning behind what music therapists do
40:52 A typical week: juggling three units and meeting different needs
49:24 “The saddest part about my story is that I found out about music therapy pretty late”
52:50 Is there a universal relaxing music? No, teens are wired differently. We are all wired differently. *
1:04:00 I relax to Heavy Metal, while you go crazy.
1:10:08 Working with hospice patient: “Every breath matter.”
1:12:04 Twitch live stream and music therapy—how does it work?
1:18:42 The most asked question as a music therapist revealed and answered.
Research Reference:
*Relax to the Rules? A Mixed-Methods Examination of Music Selection for Guided Relaxation Experiences for Adolescents in Mental Health Facilities. Iliana Fernandez, MT-BC. Shenandoah University
Opening Music:
You are my sunshine
「弹心社GenerousTalk」是伯克利音乐学院校友、爵士音乐家、美国注册音乐治疗师(MT-BC) Cherub星宇 发起的一档中英双语播客节目,倡导健康、真诚、创造性的生活方式,邀请你一起谈心、弹琴、谈音乐,一起遇见有趣的灵魂、活出真实的自己。音频现已上线喜马拉雅、苹果播客、小宇宙、Spotify、Anchor、Pocket Cast。
「弹心社GenerousTalk」is founded by Berklee Alumna, Jazz Pianist, Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC) Cherub Xingyu. It is a bilingual podcast featuring intercultural conversations on music, health, and lifestyle. We want to lead a healthy, authentic, and creative lifestyle; and create a community of like-minded global citizens! Are you in?
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