cover of episode 022丨 开车故事多

022丨 开车故事多

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张春:作为节目主持人,我分享了自己对开车的畏惧,并引出了本期节目的主题——开车故事。 来都来了:我详细讲述了我的学车经历,包括选择外地快速拿证的经历,以及第一次独自海南环岛自驾的体验,其中包括了紧张、迷茫和最终的放松。 菲菲:我分享了作为驾龄12年的老司机,在路上如何识别新手司机,以及对女司机刻板印象的看法,并讲述了与母亲因为开车回老家过年发生冲突的故事。 大树:我分享了自己克服对开车的恐惧,从不敢开车到敢开车的经验,包括技术层面、心理层面和实操方法,并强调了新手司机的权利和心态建设。 小粟子:我分享了在与丈夫冷战期间,因为安全感问题而逼迫自己学会开车的经历,以及同事给予我的鼓励和支持,并讲述了与其他司机发生冲突的经历和处理方式。 Xuan:我分享了在新西兰打工度假期间,因为公共交通不发达而不得不买车并学会开车的经历,以及第一次独自长途驾驶的惊险和最终的克服。 小谢:我分享了三个与学车有关的故事:目睹家庭暴力、科目三考试和母亲不考驾照的经历,并表达了对女性在社会中面临困境的思考。 周大福:我分享了独自自驾到阿拉善无人区的经历,讲述了克服恐惧、做好准备以及最终在无人区获得自由和自我解放的体验。 黄贝贝:我分享了开车给我带来的快乐和自由,以及处理交通事故的经验和教训,并用武汉方言表达了对不守交通规则司机的吐槽。 Amber:我分享了自驾游的方法论,包括制定目标、购买保险、下载地图和音乐等,并强调了在美国自驾游需要注意的事项。 小鹿:我分享了作为女司机的一些感想,包括利用女司机身份获得便利,以及处理交通事故的经验。 巧妍:我分享了教姐姐开车导致与父亲关系破裂的经历,以及在海边定居、冲浪的自由和快乐。 Mandy:我分享了克服对开车的恐惧,最终学会开车并获得自由的经历,以及与爱车“粉粉”之间的情感连接。 蓝莓:我分享了大学时发誓不学车,到工作后因为不方便而最终下定决心考驾照的经历,以及开车给我带来的自由和勇气。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the speaker decide to drive alone to Hainan for a trip despite initial fears?

The speaker wanted to challenge themselves and experience the freedom of solo travel, even though they were initially scared of driving long distances. They felt that even if the trip wasn't perfect, it was worth taking the risk to gain confidence and independence.

What was the speaker's experience with driving in New Zealand as a beginner?

The speaker, a beginner driver, faced significant challenges in New Zealand due to the country's poor public transportation. They bought a used car and practiced driving with a landlord before attempting a three-hour drive to their next job. They followed another driver for reassurance and successfully completed the journey, gaining confidence in their driving abilities.

How did the speaker handle an accident in New Zealand where they were rear-ended?

After being rear-ended, the speaker faced difficulties with insurance and legal processes. The driver who hit them fled the scene, but later attempted to claim damages. The speaker took the driver to court and eventually recovered their losses, though the experience was emotionally taxing.

What motivated the speaker to start driving after years of avoiding it?

The speaker decided to start driving after feeling embarrassed and inconvenienced by relying on others for transportation. They were particularly motivated by a situation where their husband failed to pick them up from the train station, leaving them to find their way home in the dark. This experience pushed them to overcome their fear and learn to drive.

Why did the speaker choose to drive alone in the Alxa Desert despite safety concerns?

The speaker chose to drive alone in the Alxa Desert to prove to themselves that they could handle the challenge. They prepared thoroughly, bringing essential supplies like cash, warm clothing, and a satellite phone. They felt safer knowing that the rental company could track their car's location, and they wanted to experience the freedom and confidence that comes with solo travel.

What was the speaker's strategy for overcoming the fear of driving after getting their license?

The speaker started by driving short distances, like commuting to work, and gradually built confidence. They also practiced positive self-talk, encouraging themselves during drives. Over time, they became more comfortable and even went on a solo road trip, which further boosted their confidence.

How did the speaker's perception of driving change after their solo trip to Hainan?

The speaker's perception of driving shifted from fear to confidence after their solo trip to Hainan. They realized that driving didn't need to be perfect and that mistakes were part of the learning process. They also found joy in the freedom and independence that driving provided, allowing them to explore new places at their own pace.

What was the speaker's experience with gender stereotypes while driving?

The speaker faced gender stereotypes as a female driver, with some male drivers assuming she was less skilled. However, she used these stereotypes to her advantage, such as pretending to be a nervous driver to navigate tricky situations. She also shared observations that male drivers often blame female drivers for accidents, regardless of fault.

How did the speaker's relationship with their father affect their driving experience?

The speaker's relationship with their father was strained due to his controlling behavior and criticism of their driving. This led to a conflict where the speaker decided to leave home and live independently. Despite the challenges, the speaker found empowerment in driving and used it as a way to assert their autonomy.

What advice did the speaker give to someone considering getting a driver's license?

The speaker advised setting a specific goal, such as planning a trip to a desired destination, to motivate oneself to get a driver's license. They also suggested booking non-refundable tickets to create a sense of urgency. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of buying comprehensive insurance and preparing for the trip by downloading offline maps and music.

  • 克服对开车的恐惧,需要勇气和行动
  • 驾驶是一项系统工程,需要全面的学习和练习
  • 环岛自驾的经历,让来都来了对自己的能力有了新的认识

Shownotes Transcript


  • Highlights:

04:15 “这个行程还没开始,我怀疑我分要扣完了”丨来都来了

18:52 “我就是你刚才说的老鸟”丨菲菲

33:09 “不要老反思自己,在路上我的速度就是尺”丨大树

44:17 “第一次独立把车开回家时,她一直在办公室的玻璃窗上看着我”丨小粟子


1:10:29 “我现在讲的时候,手还有点麻麻的”丨小谢

1:24:35 “世界是它本来的样子,我也应该是我本来的样子”丨周大福

1:38:58 “武汉市三环上面三车连撞,我是中间那辆车”丨黄贝贝

1:47:44 “如果纠结要不要考一个驾照,你可以先把机票买了”丨Amber

1:50:57 “我也有感恩大家对女司机有刻板印象的时候”丨小鹿

1:57:24 “我们一起开一辆面包车改的露营车,足够我们装很多张冲浪板”丨巧妍

2:08:39 “我的车名字叫粉粉,我会说粉粉,你看我们都很棒”丨Mandy

2:13:24 “本来特别生气,自己开回家之后心情突然好了”丨蓝莓

  • BGM:

莫文蔚 / 打起手鼓唱起歌词:韩伟曲:施光南所属专辑:莫后年代

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  • 制作:张春酷酷酷播客频道

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