Individuals naturally adept at business often possess a keen sense of survival in difficult environments, the ability to detect business opportunities, and the skill to leverage available resources to seize these opportunities. They continuously learn and adapt to new business norms and practices, ensuring their strategies evolve with the times.
Professor Zhou transitioned to academia driven by a long-held dream to become a professor, influenced by his early mentors and a desire to contribute to business education. Despite a successful corporate career, he found fulfillment in teaching and researching business models, visiting over 200 companies annually to stay at the forefront of business insights.
The essence of business, according to Professor Zhou, is about perpetual growth and adaptability. It involves continuously evolving business practices to thrive across different eras, focusing on resource mobilization, mechanism design, and element adjustment to create viable business models.
A successful business model includes marketing and sales business loops, technological research and development, supply chain management, and capital and financial operations. It's essential to integrate these components effectively to ensure the business can adapt and thrive in changing environments.
Professor Zhou emphasizes the transformative impact of technology on modern business, particularly through online, social, and digital innovations. He highlights the importance of adopting new technologies like AI to reduce costs and enhance efficiency, ensuring businesses remain competitive.
关于周宏骐老师,我说他“文武双全”。早期周老师在很多世界500 强企业工作过,他最高的职位是做到惠普亚洲区高级副总裁,负责销售业务。再后来,他是印度惠普的第三任董事长。
嘉宾 | 周宏骐(新加坡国立大学兼任教授)
00:02:55 (周宏骐教授的)个人经历
00:06:07 当教授一年挣多少钱,为什么选择去当教授?
00:09:12 有人是天生擅长做生意的吗?
00:10:26 生意的本质,是什么?
00:12:20 一个卖水的品牌,能去卖冰吗?
00:15:34 成为一个好的经营者,需要具备什么核心思维?
00:21:48 那些天生特别牛逼的经营者,都有什么特点?
00:25:20 关于商业,您最有见地的洞察是什么?
00:37:51 如果再创业,您会选择什么行业?
00:42:00 新加坡的商业环境,和中国有什么异同?
00:46:32 新加坡人均收入大概是什么样水平?
00:50:58 最后的叮嘱/商业锦囊
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