The four dimensions are politics, social gender, class, and openness. Politics measures attitudes towards government roles, social gender examines views on feminism versus equalism, class assesses economic background, and openness evaluates acceptance of traditional moral norms and minority groups.
Ha Ma became the first sacrifice because his high thought test score made him an easy target. Despite his efforts to foster transparency and support for the vulnerable, other participants viewed his sudden active involvement with suspicion, leading to his elimination without intervention from those who could have saved him.
Ted proposed pairing residents to share one thought test code, allowing them to agree on incorrect codes during attacks. This strategy minimized damage and increased survival chances by fostering mutual trust and reducing the effectiveness of aggressive moves.
The controversy stemmed from the test's assumption that South Korea had achieved gender equality, positioning feminism against equalism. Many viewers found this setup problematic as it overlooked the ongoing struggles against male dominance, suggesting a need for a more nuanced representation of gender issues.
Ha Ma's experience highlights the vulnerability of idealists in competitive environments. It underscores the importance of self-preservation and the need for idealists to secure their positions of power to effectively implement their visions of kindness and fairness in a society driven by power and self-interest.
最近十分沉迷韩综《思想验证区域:The Community》。这档综艺打败了大热的《恋爱兄妹》,获得了第三届韩国青龙电视奖最佳综艺。看过以后,我只能说是实至名归。它创意性地把关于政治、社会性别、阶级和开放性四个维度的思想,融入到节目当中。在以此为基础的微缩社会里,一场围绕着 12 位观点迥异的参演者的政治生存战快节奏地展开。
这场社会实验所涉及话题的深度、广度、丰富度令我十分惊喜。同时,它也让我陷入到困惑之中:一个理想主义者该如何在充满权力和利益争夺的社会里存活下来?河马和 Ted 的言行给我带来了很多启发和勇气。
(不管有没有人关心,我的测试结果是 LFWO。)
🎴 试试验证
02:34 《思想验证区域:The Community》的测试维度和社区运行机制
08:51 一个理想主义者如何自保和落实善意?从我最喜欢的居民河马说起
14:19 河马的高光时刻之一:关于「贫困的最大责任在于自己」的辩论
17:43 河马在这场游戏里死了两次,一次死于游戏制度,另外一次死于人性
22:41 Ted:慷慨、智慧、节目里的另一道光
28:05 为什么河马和 Ted 的处境这么触动我?
30:43 值得细细琢磨的居民群像:「当某人说出了我无法理解的话时,那是因为 TA 有 TA 的历史」
37:48 争议!这部综艺当然也充满争议!
42:20 「做一个对于水温有所感知的人」
43:25 分享一篇河马的文章:《舍弃之后得到的东西》
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节目 PD 权成敏(@eleutheria5))回应中国观众的 Ins 动态)
📺 电视电影
《思想验证区域:The Community》)(原版前四集看这里),也推荐被抛弃字幕组)翻译的版本)
《思想验证区域:The Community》的 Ted 和 PD 权成敏的原版对话)(翻译版看这里))
🎧 播客
《先导:一起试水温,一起推石头》) by 西西弗高速
串场音乐均来自于《思想验证区域:The Community》
THE COMMUNITY - YunB & Benjamin
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