The speaker stresses self-worth because she believes that valuing oneself prevents tolerating disrespectful behavior, such as being ghosted or mistreated in relationships. She shares personal experiences of being ghosted and how she learned to prioritize her own well-being over seeking validation from others.
The speaker advises not to chase or question someone who has ghosted you, as their behavior is already an answer. Instead, focus on self-respect and move on, as no healthy adult would disappear without explanation unless they are not interested.
The speaker advocates for immediate and decisive action when faced with infidelity. She shares her own experience of ending a relationship upon discovering infidelity, emphasizing that staying with someone who has cheated only leads to further emotional and psychological harm.
The speaker believes that unresolved childhood trauma can negatively impact adult relationships. She discusses her own journey of healing from childhood wounds, emphasizing the importance of addressing these issues to avoid repeating unhealthy patterns in relationships.
The speaker argues that adult children should not rely on their parents to solve their problems or fulfill unmet childhood needs. She encourages establishing independence and self-reliance, as parents cannot provide what was missing in childhood, and it is up to the individual to heal and grow.
The speaker believes self-love is essential because it allows individuals to set boundaries, recognize their worth, and avoid toxic relationships. She shares her own journey of learning to love and respect herself, which has led to healthier and more fulfilling connections with others.
Hello,大家好,欢迎收听新一期的宇宙乘客,这一期我又围绕着亲密关系聊了聊,标题起的有点 mean 了,但也是实话,姐妹们,你值得一切美好事情的发生,保护好自己的能量。 听友群:添加微信 holauntie,备注听友群哦,我还有一档播客「三文鱼」,是一个充满新鲜与独特风味的自由表达电台,欢迎你关注收听。 好物分享 � 小姨自用多年的棉条品牌 oddsome 离普造物给大家送福利,搜索 oddsome ,找客服报暗号「小姨」,领专属大额券,即可: 1: 棉条新手:推荐尝鲜装,14.8元起试用6支; 2: 棉条熟手:推荐囤货装,48支/组;囤得越多越划算:4组¥326|3组¥286元|1组¥106元. 10.31日晚8点开始,优惠截止到11月11日,其中超多型号为42支/组,双十一期间需凑单,还可以叠消费券,囤货还有支架赠送,**理性购物,切勿借贷消费 **�
书籍推荐 原生家庭&内在小孩:你的父母不再是你的父母、为了你好、身体从未忘记、情感忽视、内心对话的力量、原生家庭生存指南、不原谅也没关系 高明感:你的敏感就是你的天赋、天生敏感、被忽视的孩子、高敏感孩子的内心世界 治愈自己:清醒的活、当下的力量、与神对话、也许你该找找聊聊、被讨厌的勇气、暮色将至、改变的历程 亲密关系:不备之配、亲密关系、LoveLife、什么样的爱值得勇敢一次、亲密关系与情感依赖、依恋 主播|文字|后期 小姨:播客主播|独立设计师|写作者,现居北京,在这里可以找到我 小红书|即刻|X:小姨小姨 ,微博:怡晓怡晓 音乐 开头曲:Under Pressure(Queen / David Bowie) 片尾曲:Old Friend(Zaho de Sagazan / Tom Odell) 合作 [email protected]