cover of episode Ep.22 王维:漂洋过海的婚姻|中国与埃塞俄比亚的跨国夫妻

Ep.22 王维:漂洋过海的婚姻|中国与埃塞俄比亚的跨国夫妻

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随着中非交往的增多,中国人和非洲人之间的跨国婚姻在近年备受关注。本期节目的嘉宾王维博士在香港大学就读期间曾前往埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴,深入调研中国与埃塞俄比亚的跨国婚姻现象。中国丈夫与埃塞妻子如何相识并结成婚姻关系?他们的家庭生活如何?这些跨越肤色、国籍和文化的夫妻面临着什么样的困难,又有什么样的温馨故事?当我们谈论这些跨国婚姻中的“关系”与“爱情”时,我们又在谈论什么? 时间线: 0:25 嘉宾介绍 1:06 研究肇始:从广州到亚的斯亚贝巴的中非跨国婚姻 4:33 田野中的身份:寻找与研究对象关系的平衡感  10:17 广州与亚的斯亚贝巴的跨国婚姻异同 11:43 为什么关注正式注册的婚姻关系 14:36 在埃塞俄比亚的中埃夫妻数量 15:36 家庭网络与婚姻中介之外的中埃跨国婚姻  21:49 中埃跨国婚姻的特殊性 23:10 中国作为婚姻移民目的地缺乏吸引力? 30:00 中国丈夫的应对之道  31:51 中国人在埃塞的负面形象 34:39 形象的改变需要时间劳动 40:06 中国的婚姻移民政策 41:42 跨国婚姻家庭中的交流与矛盾 47:06 中国工人为什么选择在埃塞建立跨国婚姻 51:08 中国长期劳工作为婚姻中间人 56:32 跨国婚姻中的幸福故事 59:10 跨国婚姻中的种族因素 64:30 国内婚姻市场边缘人群成为跨国婚姻的重要参与者 67:49  跨国婚姻里的爱情 推荐文献: 埃塞俄比亚(婚姻)研究 Adugna, Girmachew. 2019. "Migration patterns and emigrants’ transnational activities: comparative findings from two migrant origin areas in Ethiopia." Comparative Migration Studies 7 (1): 1-28.  Mains, Daniel. 2013. "Friends and money: Balancing affection and reciprocity among young men in urban Ethiopia: Friends and money." American ethnologist 40 (2): 335-346. Oya, Carlos, and Florian Schaefer. 2021. "The politics of labour relations in global production networks: Collective action, industrial parks, and local conflict in the Ethiopian apparel sector." *World development *146: 105564. Repnikova, Maria. 2022. Chinese Soft Power, Elements in Global China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 跨国婚姻 Constable, Nicole. 2003. Romance on a global stage: Pen pals, virtual ethnography, and" mail order" marriages. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Statham, Paul. 2020. "Living the long-term consequences of Thai-Western marriage migration: the radical life-course transformations of women who partner older Westerners." *Journal of ethnic and migration studies *46 (8):1562-1587.  Williams, Lucy. 2010. Global Marriage: Cross-Border Marriage Migration in Global Context. London: London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. Yang, Wen-Shan, and Melody Chia-Wen Lu. 2010. Asian cross-border marriage migration: Demographic patterns and social issues. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press. Yeoh, Brenda Saw Ai, Heng Leng Chee, and Grace Baey. 2017. "Managing risk, making a match: brokers and the management of mobility in international marriage." Mobilities 12 (2):227-242.  中非婚姻 Lan, Shanshan. 2017. Mapping the New African Diaspora in China: Race and the Cultural Politics of Belonging. Routledge. Jordan, Lucy, Andrew Pau Hoang, Cheryl H. K. Chui, Wei Wang, and Valentina Mazzucato. 2021. "Multiple precarity and intimate family life among African-Chinese families in Guangzhou." Journal of ethnic and migration studies 47 (12): 2796-2814.  Sha, Heila. 2020. "Transnational marriage in Yiwu, China: trade, settlement and mobility." *Journal of ethnic and migration studies *46 (11):2326-2345. 中非研究 Lee, Ching Kwan. 2017. The specter of global China: Politics, labor, and foreign investment in Africa. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Siu, Helen F, and Mike McGovern. 2017. "China–Africa Encounters: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Realities." *Annual Review of Anthropology *46: 337-355.