cover of episode 建筑师马岩松:在我小时候,北京像座游乐园 | 与金宇澄、祝羽捷聊聊京沪双城记

建筑师马岩松:在我小时候,北京像座游乐园 | 与金宇澄、祝羽捷聊聊京沪双城记

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马岩松: 我童年记忆中的北京像一座巨大的游乐园,充满自由和各种可能性,胡同、四合院以及景山、北海等自然景观交织在一起,形成独特的空间体验。现代城市化进程中,这种人与自然和谐共生的关系逐渐被遗忘,令人惋惜。在北京进行建筑设计时,我会更多地考虑山水关系和空间理念,力求在现代建筑中融入传统元素,但现实中常常面临诸多挑战。我越来越不喜欢北京,因为它失去了很多曾经美好的东西。 我对过度现代化的城市感到担忧,认为很多设计反人性,压抑人的情感和精神空间。理想的生活状态是介于城市与乡村之间,既能享受便利,又能保有自然与人文的和谐。 我的作品,例如‘胡同泡泡’和‘倒挂巴黎’,都体现了对传统与现代、人与自然的思考,但很多理想化的设计方案在现实中难以实现。 金宇澄: 上海在90年代到2000年代期间,新建建筑规模相当于三个上海,城市面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。我关注的是城市中不同时期建筑的保存,惋惜许多具有地域特色的建筑,例如石库门,在现代化进程中逐渐消失。石库门建筑体现了乡绅阶级将中国传统文化从乡村转移到城市的特征,但其过度拥挤也导致了上海人小气的刻板印象。 我对上海外滩的改造感到惋惜,特别是情人墙的消失,我认为即使它会被涨潮淹没,也应该保留下来,作为城市记忆的一部分。外滩的改造过于彻底,失去了历史痕迹,与香港中环的天星码头形成鲜明对比。 我年轻时做过建筑相关的工种,对建筑的建造过程很感兴趣。我发现中国对老房子的保护观念和西方不同,许多老房子因为质量问题而被拆除,这与西方国家对老建筑的保护形成对比。 祝羽捷: 本书探讨了北京到上海的城市漫游与哲思,通过建筑和文学的碰撞,重新思考城市、空间和生活之间的联系。 中国城市快速发展后,人们对城市生活有了更客观理性的思考,City Walk 也成为热门话题,体现了都市人对城市的新理解。 建筑和文学密切相关,都与人有关,相通。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does architect Ma Yansong describe his childhood Beijing as a 'playground'?

Ma Yansong recalls his childhood in Beijing as a 'playground' because the city was filled with hutongs, courtyards, and natural landscapes like Jingshan and Beihai. These spaces offered freedom and adventure, allowing children to explore and interact with the environment in a way that felt unstructured and playful, unlike the highly planned and functional modern cities.

What is the significance of the 'lover's wall' in Shanghai's Bund, as mentioned by Jin Yucheng?

The 'lover's wall' in Shanghai's Bund, particularly near Nanjing Road, was a cultural landmark in the 1970s where couples would gather to date. It symbolized a unique social phenomenon due to limited space, with couples lining up closely and even facing scrutiny from patrols. Jin Yucheng laments its disappearance, suggesting it should have been preserved as a historical and emotional marker of Shanghai's past.

How does Ma Yansong view the relationship between architecture and nature in traditional Chinese design?

Ma Yansong emphasizes that traditional Chinese architecture integrates nature into human spaces, creating a harmonious relationship. Unlike Western designs that often separate buildings from gardens, Chinese architecture 'humanizes' nature, embedding it within courtyards and gardens. This approach reflects a deeper cultural value of connecting human life with the natural world, which he believes modern cities have largely lost.

What is Jin Yucheng's perspective on the decline of traditional Shanghai shikumen houses?

Jin Yucheng views the decline of shikumen houses as a loss of cultural heritage. Originally designed for single families, these houses became overcrowded during periods of mass migration, leading to shared living spaces. He argues that the unique architectural and social dynamics of shikumen, which blended Chinese and Western elements, are irreplaceable and represent a fading chapter of Shanghai's history.

Why does Ma Yansong criticize modern urban planning in China?

Ma Yansong criticizes modern urban planning in China for prioritizing functionality and scale over human experience. He argues that the rapid urbanization, modeled after Western cities, has led to a loss of cultural identity and a disconnect between people and their environment. He believes this approach neglects the spiritual and emotional aspects of architecture, resulting in cities that feel impersonal and alienating.

What is the architectural significance of the 'Hutong Bubble' project by Ma Yansong?

The 'Hutong Bubble' project by Ma Yansong introduces modern, bubble-like structures into traditional Beijing hutongs. These structures blend seamlessly with the historic environment while adding a contemporary element. The project highlights the potential for innovative design to coexist with cultural heritage, offering a fresh perspective on preserving and revitalizing old urban spaces.

How does Jin Yucheng describe the cultural impact of Shanghai's shikumen houses?

Jin Yucheng describes shikumen houses as a cultural bridge between rural and urban China. Built by wealthy rural elites during the Taiping Rebellion, these houses brought traditional Chinese architectural elements into the city. They represent a unique blend of Chinese and Western styles, reflecting the social and historical shifts of their time, and symbolize the last remnants of a bygone era in Shanghai's architectural history.

What is Ma Yansong's view on the future of Chinese architecture?

Ma Yansong believes the future of Chinese architecture lies in reconnecting with its cultural roots while embracing modernity. He advocates for designs that reflect traditional values, such as the integration of nature and human spaces, but warns against superficial 'East-meets-West' approaches. He sees this as a long and challenging process but essential for creating a distinct architectural identity in China.

  • 建筑与文学都关乎人,两者是相通的
  • 马岩松的创作源于个人经历和对城市的感受
  • 金宇澄对马岩松新书的评价

Shownotes Transcript






本期如此城市由祝羽捷担任嘉宾主播,联合上海图书馆,跟随金宇澄、马岩松,与建筑师、作家在城市中漫游遐思。 “从北京到上海:城市的漫游与哲思”对谈  ©上海图书馆东馆


马岩松,建筑师 金宇澄,《繁花》作者、画家 祝羽捷,作家、策展人、文化学者 ——制作团队
