cover of episode Vol 14. 区区致命伤,永远杀不死我的梦想,只会杀死我的焦虑!!!感谢《编舟记》和《写写画画》的热血和固执!

Vol 14. 区区致命伤,永远杀不死我的梦想,只会杀死我的焦虑!!!感谢《编舟记》和《写写画画》的热血和固执!

logo of podcast 大树的开窍日记


AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
大树:本期节目回顾了《编舟记》和《写写画画》两本书,并结合自身经历,探讨了梦想、现实与坚持之间的关系。节目中,大树分享了自己曾经的梦想幻灭,以及在阅读两本书后对梦想和人生的新的感悟。他反思了自身在追求梦想过程中缺乏行动力、沟通能力不足等问题,并借鉴《编舟记》中马缔光也对词典编纂工作的执着和《写写画画》中东村明子对漫画创作的坚持,鼓励听众在生活中找到自己的“山”,坚定地追求目标,克服焦虑。 大树认为,《编舟记》中马缔光也对词典编纂工作的执着,体现了长期主义和精益求精的精神。词典的编纂过程充满挑战,但马缔光也坚持不懈,最终完成了大渡海的编纂,这体现了梦想的价值和坚持的力量。同时,大树也反思了自身在沟通和表达上的不足,并借此引出语言和词汇的重要性,以及词典在人际沟通中的作用。 大树还分享了《写写画画》中东村明子的成长经历,以及她对梦想的坚持。东村明子在追求梦想的道路上经历了诸多挫折和迷茫,但她始终没有放弃,最终成为了成功的漫画家。大树认为,东村明子的故事也鼓励人们在面对困难时要坚持自己的梦想,永不放弃。 最后,大树总结道,人生需要在心里种下一座山,坚定地追求目标,克服焦虑,并通过有效的沟通和表达,与他人建立联系,共同成长。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the main theme of the podcast episode?

The main theme revolves around the pursuit of dreams, the challenges of maintaining passion in one's career, and the importance of perseverance and communication. The episode discusses two books, 'The Great Passage' and 'Write and Draw,' which highlight the struggles and triumphs of individuals dedicated to their crafts, such as dictionary editing and manga creation.

Why does the speaker feel conflicted about their past dream of becoming a creative in advertising?

The speaker feels conflicted because they initially pursued a dream of becoming a successful creative in advertising, dedicating significant time and effort to mastering the craft. However, over time, they began to question the value of their work, feeling that it merely served to make money for their bosses and please clients, leading to a sense of disillusionment and loss of passion.

What is the significance of the dictionary 'The Great Passage' in the story?

The dictionary 'The Great Passage' symbolizes a long-term, passionate project that spans 15 years. It represents the dedication of its editors, who work tirelessly to create a comprehensive and meaningful dictionary. The project serves as a metaphor for perseverance, the importance of language, and the connection between people through words.

How does the character Majime in 'The Great Passage' embody the theme of perseverance?

Majime embodies perseverance through his unwavering dedication to the dictionary project, despite its challenges and the lack of immediate rewards. He works diligently, often in isolation, and remains committed to the task even when others doubt its value. His passion for words and his belief in the importance of the dictionary drive him to continue, even when faced with setbacks.

What lesson does the speaker draw from 'The Great Passage' and 'Write and Draw'?

The speaker learns the importance of having a stable foundation or 'mountain' in one's life, representing a core passion or goal that provides stability and direction. They also emphasize the value of communication and connection through language, as seen in the characters' dedication to their crafts and the relationships they build through their work.

How does the speaker relate their personal experiences to the themes of the books discussed?

The speaker relates their personal experiences by reflecting on their own career in advertising, where they initially pursued a dream but eventually felt disillusioned. They compare their journey to the characters in the books, who face similar struggles but find meaning and stability through their dedication to their crafts. The speaker also highlights the importance of communication and relationships in overcoming personal challenges.

What is the role of communication in the speaker's personal growth?

Communication plays a crucial role in the speaker's personal growth, as it helps them reconnect with their passions and overcome feelings of isolation. Through conversations with friends and their spouse, the speaker gains clarity about their emotions and the importance of having a stable foundation in life. They realize that sharing thoughts and feelings openly can lead to deeper connections and a more fulfilling life.

  • 曾经的梦想:成为一名优秀的创意人
  • 为实现梦想付出的努力:学习文案技巧,阅读大量书籍,加班熬夜
  • 放弃梦想的原因:认清现实,梦想与现实脱节

Shownotes Transcript

精讲三浦紫苑《编舟记》 & 东村明子《写写画画》




01:39   当我们谈起梦想

06:03  《编舟记》当我们被他人点燃

**15:31 **   梦想起航的朝阳

19:02   我们该如何解释“爱”

20:42   梦想与永动机

32:20   说话的意义是什么(有奖互动环节)

35:18   当生活与梦想遇到危机

53:54   一起感受梦想的果实

1:03:25  也许是一切焦虑的解决方案!

1:09:41  强势安利 新经典《写写画画》

1:11:50  必须听一波的片尾曲









《药师灌顶真言》 - 破碎乐队

《群青》 - YOASOBI

《编舟记》 - 动漫配乐合集

《Mind Game》  - Bob James Trio