cover of episode 047 我的年终总结(下)

047 我的年终总结(下)

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Shownotes Transcript

今年的下半部分总结,源自听友聚会的成功举办。8月26日第一次在上海相聚,让我看到了在未来的时间里,我和这一频道存在的深度价值和意义-- 为品牌提供早期的发声场景,以及让“品牌人”找到绝对同频的能量补给站。 结论就是:明年我们要把一部分重心放到线下聚会中去,告诉我你在哪个城市,我一定努力靠近你的城市。 在这个最明显的区域里,我要特别感谢深圳聚会的场地支持方 LIGHTUP ,如果你作为自由职业者需要好的办公场地,好的思考空间,就去那里吧,LIGHTUP一定会打动你。(深圳市南山区高发科技西路方大城写字楼T4栋1809-1810) 最后,送给大家一段美丽的表达,这也许就是我们继续做品牌的意义。 There’s lots of ways to be, as a person. And some people express their deep appreciation in different ways. But one of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there.  And you never meet the people. You never shake their hands. You never hear their story or tell yours. But somehow, in the act of making something with a great deal of care and love, something’s transmitted there. And it’s a way of expressing to the rest of our species our deep appreciation. So we need to be true to who we are and remember what’s really important to us. —Steve Jobs, 2007 BGM: Christmas Songs Cafe Bossa Nova Cover - Cafe Music BGM Channel 欢迎加入我们的听友群,进群方式:添加微信 macdavid7 岩冷长期特别福利:1. 原价购正装 1 件享 9 折加赠尝鲜装普洱茶;2. 购任意正装享第 2 件 5 折,加赠袋泡茶尝鲜装 2 包; 在【岩冷】官方天猫旗舰店/小红书/小程序下单,向客服报暗号【品牌与否】,即可享受以上优惠。 本期节目将在评论区任意抽取3位粉丝送出【岩冷产品尝鲜礼包】(每份礼包内含小青柑/葫芦茶饼/袋泡茶尝鲜装各1份) 关注岩冷iLand各大官方平台获取更多岩冷iLand的品牌资讯小红书:@岩冷新浪微博:@岩冷iland_tea天猫旗舰店:岩冷旗舰店