cover of episode 经 | 第三期:w/Kara Güt(亲密、魔法与模组)ft. Via-app

经 | 第三期:w/Kara Güt(亲密、魔法与模组)ft. Via-app

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卡壳 Cacotopia

Shownotes Transcript

天地之间,众生繁衍,诸植物异花授粉,动物身姿变幻无穷,猛兽亦雌雄莫辨,都与人类在无限的空间中共存,物质和现象也在不断流动交换。身体所传达的,是宇宙的形状与逻辑,总是多孔而四溢,既统一了阴阳,又超越了死亡与欢愉。透过激进的假想,我们将打破认知壁垒、祛除感知障碍,阐明一种与陈腐想象中截然不同的未来。我们的思考以星球为尺度,与周遭环境亲密无间,意在营造一种安全、欢愉、感性的共栖地。本播客从属于未来主人持续进行中的题为《经》(Scripture)的小说写作项目。《经》是一部以《山海经》为灵感的思辨虚构作品。小说以两条线索展开:其中名为“钦原”的极微飞行生物凭谋杀穿透神话地理。在另一个世界,主角则是景德镇陶艺人的儿子,她以女儿身游荡于纽约及安特卫普,手上沾满了无法溶解的泥。《经》的中英文章节将与播客同步发布。Cross-pollinated species, transmutable beings, androgynous beasts and humans thrive in the infinite space between heaven and earth, where matter and phenomena are in a constant flow of exchange. Body, as an expression of the shape and logic of the cosmos, is cultivated with porosity and fluidity, unifies yin and yang, transcends beyond death and pleasure. Through progressive speculation,we break epistemic entrapment and sensory deprivation to articulate a future beyond popular cliches. We think on a terrestrial scale to form an intimate solidarity with our surroundings, to hold space for a safe, pleasurable and emotive cohabitation. This podcast belongs to Future Host’s on-going writing project “Scripture”. “Scripture” is a book of speculative fiction inspired by The Book of Mountains and Seas, an ancient Taoist classic. The fiction unfolds in two directions: Qinyuan, a diminutive bee-bird, sexes and assassinates its way out of the mythological landscape. In another world, the son of a master potter from Jingdezhen wanders in the western world as SHE, with insoluble mud on her hands. Chapters from “Scripture” will be released in English and Chinese concurrently with the podcast. 开头音乐来自布鲁克林制作人Dylan Scheer又名Via-app(@appetizr),这一次你将听到我们独家呈现ta的一首未发行的曲目。Via是一位全知型的音乐人。语言恐怕永远难以解释ta的元宇宙。这首《末日下载/来自远方的呼吸》(Eschatological Download / Breath from Beyond)是对去年夏季的BLM游行抗议活动的感官回应。犹太教神秘主义是ta的理论依据以及超维度交流的中转枢纽。在这一集的结尾将播出我最喜欢的《毒物》(Toxicon),它象征着对强加于整个星球生态和其居民的军工毒素污染的系统性抵制。被这样一首巨兽般凶猛的曲目吞噬,在其内部沉思,洗濯身心,死而复生,是一种无上的享受。我进入另一幅拟像,目睹了最浪漫的一幕:两位NPC从悬崖上摔下来,拥抱亲吻着彼此。媒体艺术家Kara Güt(@baby_peach123456789)告诉我,这种亲密是由一堆模组相互冲突的而触发的。在这一集中,我和Kara讨论了去身体化的生活,以及我们应该如何拥抱这样一个虚拟的明天。我们用RPG游戏《上古卷轴:天际》(Skyrim)为例,尝试分析“软魔法”和“硬魔法”在现实中的意义。温馨提示:如果你害怕龙,听这集的前三分之一左右的时候要小心——不过不要怕,没人Game Over。What you will hear is an exclusive edition of an unreleased track by Brooklyn-based producer Dylan Scheer aka Via-app(@appetizr). Via is an omniscient musician. I’m afraid my semantic cleverness would never do justice to their meta-universe. The track Eschatological Download / Breath from Beyond, is a sensory response to the protests last summer. They use Jewish mysticism as a point of reference and a conduit for extra-dimensional communication. Their closing track for the episode is my all-time favorite Toxicon, a total rejection of military and industrial toxicities imposed on the earth and its inhabitants. It’s a profound pleasure to be devoured by this sonic behemoth, to contemplate, rinse off, and come back to life. Meanwhile, in another simulacrum, I witnessed the most romantic thing: two NPCs falling off a cliff with their mouths connected. Media artist Kara Güt (@baby_peach123456789) told me, this form of intimacy is the result of a stack of malfunctioning mods. In this episode, I talk to Kara about life without a body and how we could possibly embrace it. We use the online RPG game Skyrim as a site of discussion, and try to parse out what soft and hard magic means in reality. warning: if you are afraid of dragons, be cautious around the first third of the episode - no one was harmed.曲目 Tracks by Via-app:- Eschatalogical Download / Breath from Beyond -Toxicon  提及概念 Mentionings: The Elder Scroll: Skyrim / Bethesda Game Studios / Steam workshop / Immersive lover’s comfort / Brandon Sanderson/Soft magic system vs Hard magic system / Red dead redemption( RDR) 制作团队 Credits:主题音乐作曲 Theme music composed by Thoom aka Zeynab Marwan (@thoom_report)封面图像 Cover image by Sam Lubicz (@slubicz)设计 Design: Matt Tecson (@one________________wingedangel)技术顾问 Technical consultant: 秦榛 Zhen Qin