cover of episode 《再见爱人》第四季:爹王争爸赛与绝望的主妇


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@沸沸 : 本期节目围绕《再见爱人》第四季展开,探讨了节目中出现的几种不同类型的男性和女性角色及其在婚姻中的相处模式。节目中杨子和留几手两位男性角色被形容为“爹王”,而麦麦则被形容为“绝望的主妇”。节目分析了这些角色在婚姻中存在的各种问题,例如缺乏平等交流、男性对女性的物化和打压、女性在婚姻中失去自我等。节目还结合了《面纱》、《简爱》等文学作品,从不同角度分析了传统婚恋模式的弊端以及现代女性对爱情和婚姻的新的认知和追求。节目最后对《再见爱人》第四季中几对夫妻的结局进行了预测。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the main theme of the fourth season of 'Goodbye Lover'?

The main theme of the fourth season of 'Goodbye Lover' revolves around the dynamics between 'father kings' and 'desperate housewives.' The show features a competition between two 'father kings,' Yang Zi and Liu Jishou, while the spotlight gradually shifts to Mai Mai, a 'desperate housewife,' sparking heated online debates.

How does the podcast compare the relationships in 'Goodbye Lover' to the novel 'The Painted Veil'?

The podcast draws parallels between the relationships in 'Goodbye Lover' and the novel 'The Painted Veil,' particularly in how husbands view their wives. Both portray a lack of equal communication and a traditional marital model where husbands often look down on their wives or feel intellectually superior.

What is the significance of the term 'little brat' used by men to describe their wives in the podcast?

The term 'little brat' used by men to describe their wives reflects a patriarchal mindset that enforces a hierarchy of age and respect. It strips away gender identity, reducing the wife to a childlike status, which allows the husband to assert dominance without appearing emotionally attached, as emotional expression is often seen as unmanly in patriarchal societies.

What does the podcast suggest about the traditional marital model in 'Goodbye Lover'?

The podcast suggests that the traditional marital model in 'Goodbye Lover' is flawed, as it often involves shallow love based on women's admiration for men's potential and men's basic needs for companionship. Over time, this type of love fades, leading to dissatisfaction and emotional disconnection.

How does the podcast analyze the relationship between Li Hangliang and Mai Mai?

The podcast analyzes the relationship between Li Hangliang and Mai Mai as one of the most unequal in 'Goodbye Lover.' Li Hangliang, despite appearing weak, engages in passive-aggressive behavior, while Mai Mai, as a passive housewife, struggles to assert herself. Their lack of genuine communication and mutual understanding makes their relationship particularly challenging.

What does the podcast reveal about the dynamics between Yang Zi and Liu Jishou?

The podcast reveals that Yang Zi and Liu Jishou, despite their competitive 'father king' personas, share a relationship that resembles a 'bromance.' They engage in witty banter and mutual admiration, which contrasts sharply with their interactions with their wives, highlighting a lack of equal partnership in their marital relationships.

How does the podcast critique the portrayal of women in 'The Painted Veil'?

The podcast critiques the portrayal of women in 'The Painted Veil' as somewhat stereotypical and lacking depth. The novel, while insightful about human emotions, often reduces female characters to templates, making their motivations and actions feel less authentic and more like projections of male perspectives.

What does the podcast suggest about the appeal of 'CEO falls in love with a cleaning lady' dramas?

The podcast suggests that 'CEO falls in love with a cleaning lady' dramas appeal to audiences, particularly middle-aged women, because they offer a fantasy of love that transcends social status and age. These stories provide a sense of validation and escapism for women who may feel undervalued in their real lives.

How does the podcast compare the love dynamics in 'Jane Eyre' and 'The Painted Veil'?

The podcast compares the love dynamics in 'Jane Eyre' and 'The Painted Veil,' noting that while 'Jane Eyre' emphasizes spiritual equality in love, 'The Painted Veil' portrays a more judgmental and conditional love. The male protagonist in 'The Painted Veil' constantly evaluates his wife's worth, whereas 'Jane Eyre' focuses on love that transcends social and physical barriers.

What does the podcast predict for the future of the couples in 'Goodbye Lover'?

The podcast predicts that Ge Xi is likely to divorce due to her clear and resolute stance, while Mai Mai and Li Hangliang may remain together despite their discomfort, as they are deeply entangled. Yang Zi and Huang Shengyi are also predicted to stay together, as Huang Shengyi, despite being financially dependent on Yang Zi, often softens her stance towards him.

  • 女性小人物的困境:勇敢做自己可能失去男性爱慕
  • 男性视角与女性视角的差异
  • 社会原因和女性的无奈

Shownotes Transcript


00:37 付航 vs. 黄阿丽:男人要勇敢做自己,但快乐单身女性并不想体会男性真实的自己

05:24 毛骨悚然!本人亲历《素食者》现场,爹味阿加西大冲击!

07:02 作为“小屁孩”的妻子:长幼尊卑的规训与父权对于男性情感表达的禁忌

10:31 河北Connor杨子:如何师爹长技以制爹?

14:40 《面纱》中的经典台词与《再见爱人》中的传统婚恋模式:都缺乏平等交流;两类爹王研究:传统中华爹与伍迪艾伦爹

18:25 李行亮与麦麦:最难以平等交流的一对,却最难舍难分?传统婚姻中的“爱”是浅薄的爱吗?他们会是付航爱情故事的未来吗?

23:45 露西·伊利格瑞:女人为何只能爱上普遍性的男人 vs. 陀思妥耶夫斯基:爱具体的人;“爱男”与“厌女”的概念,是不是也可以用普遍性与具体性来划分一下?

31:14 杨子与留几手:“我的爱,向你”的完美诠释;爹王是精神上的男同性恋吗?

35:19 《简爱》与《面纱》的对照:具有精神性但缺乏社会化的爱,与时刻评判对方但不欺骗自己的爱

38:57 霸道总裁爱上保洁阿姨 vs. 迷弟无数的刘晓庆:是爱让我与众不同,还是与众不同才有人爱?

51:51 新与旧之的《面纱》:简奥斯汀作开头,爱丽丝门罗作中段,女性独立宣言作结尾

56:23 大胆预测一下本季《再见爱人》的结局!

片尾曲:"Cheerleader" by St. Vincent






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