The three key elements of 'old man literature' are male-centered sexual desire, power struggles under patriarchy, and grand narratives. These elements are often intertwined with historical or cultural backdrops, creating a specific literary style.
The podcast compares 'Red Sorghum Clan' to old man literature because it embodies the three key elements: male-centered sexual desire, patriarchal power struggles, and a grand narrative. The story revolves around the protagonist's grandmother, blending sensuality with a historical and cultural backdrop.
The podcast describes conservative males as focusing on breasts, symbolizing a sacred and maternal view of women, while liberal males focus on buttocks, representing a more direct and pleasure-centered perspective. This distinction is highlighted in the works of authors like Mo Yan and filmmakers like Jiang Wen.
In 'Red Sorghum Clan,' the grandmother is portrayed as a sacred and sensual figure, embodying both maternal and erotic qualities. Her character is central to the narrative, symbolizing the intersection of desire and divinity within the patriarchal framework of the story.
The podcast contrasts the cyclical time in 'One Hundred Years of Solitude,' where events repeat in a loop, with the linear time in 'Red Sorghum Clan,' which emphasizes irreversible events and eternal values. This difference reflects the distinct approaches to storytelling and the portrayal of history in the two works.
The podcast criticizes 'The Godfather' for its portrayal of women as either subservient or marginalized. Female characters are often confined to traditional roles, such as the wife who remains ignorant of her husband's activities or the daughter who is excluded from family power dynamics. This reflects a broader issue in male-centered narratives where women's agency is limited.
The podcast suggests that female warriors, like Deng Chan Yu in 'Fengshen' or Eowyn in 'The Lord of the Rings,' offer a powerful and empowering image for female audiences. These characters challenge traditional gender roles and provide a sense of agency and strength, which is often lacking in male-dominated narratives.
00:55 老登文学三要素:男性情欲,父权与权力斗争,宏大叙事——以《尘埃落定》为例
06:05 莫言写项羽和虞姬:这不就是姜文和刘晓庆吗?
07:53 直击登味凝视:胸派的莫言与臀派的姜文,conservative老登与libral小登的区别,米兰·昆德拉在《庆祝无意义》中对于两派的精辟总结
12:52 老登的维多利亚式倒错的欲望;小登凝视:卡戴珊审美,萨德的快乐与《金驴记》中美少年的屁股
21:10 “我奶奶”,神圣与欲望的混合体,山东高密东北乡的大母神
28:03 《百年孤独》里的老祖母乌尔苏拉与马孔多的环形时间,诸神黄昏与循环中的快感
34:03 《红高粱家族》中的线性时间与永恒价值;强调“正统性”的老登宏大叙事与偷鸡摸狗的人类八卦底色
40:31 宏大叙事中的刻奇与自恋;吃瓜是一种无我的境界
41:44 老登最爱引用的“多年以后”的文学源头,竟是伍尔夫“琐碎”的家庭主妇小说?
44:48 马尔克斯的“恶趣味”:他的告别信足够坦诚吗?
47:03 为什么我觉得《教父》好看:女孩想成为教父,给男的当爹可行吗?为什么黑帮片里的女性角色总是这么委屈啊!
51:08 《教父》与《红高粱家族》中的“二奶奶”们:女人的死亡还成了奇观了?
54:04 《封神》中的邓婵玉,《指环王》中的伊欧文公主,《权力的游戏》中的布蕾妮:怎样的女武神能真的女观众爽到?女英雄就不能弑父吗?
片尾曲:Garmarna - Herr Mannelig