cover of episode 【人间杂谈】虚构内容大畅谈!给你100个誓死效忠你的人!


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#self-exploration#self-liberation#moral and ethical considerations#lgbtq+ discussion#self-perception#personal learning experiences#career and life planning#long-term thinking#conflict avoidance and confrontation#experiences in conflict zones#emotional needs#personal growth through travel#historical political intrigue#future of humanity#moral dilemmas in love#financial identity People
@老三 :面对性转版的自己,是否喜欢取决于对自身了解程度和颜值。拥有100个誓死效忠的人,需要先确保他们的生存,再考虑其他安排。在清华大学学习四年但不获得毕业证,可能带来意外的创业机会。与柯南同住酒店,需要谨慎小心,尽量跟随柯南或小五郎。拥有在任意一个地方插入一个零的超能力,需要谨慎使用,避免负面后果。选择一个超能力,需要考虑其实用性和可控性。 @小葱 :对性转版的自己的喜好,主要取决于颜值。拥有100个誓死效忠的人,最重要的是确保他们的生存。如果可以用身体上的任意200克人体组织换10万元人民币,会选择脂肪。选择一个超能力,需要考虑其实用性和可控性。 @小小 :对性转版的自己的评价,反映了对自身性格和处理方式的认知。是否选择在清华大学学习四年但不获得毕业证,取决于个人对大学生活的遗憾和期待。穿越回古代,需要根据朝代的不同,选择合适的生存策略。拥有通灵超能力,可以利用其影响力获得利益。可以设计一些新颖的超能力,例如让人见到自己就想给自己打钱。 老三:拥有100个誓死效忠的人,可以组建团队,开展赚钱的业务。按下获得十亿元但导致五百年后人类毁灭的按钮,取决于个人价值观和时间跨度。处理前任生活鸡飞狗跳的按钮问题,需要考虑与前任的关系、利益以及是否能获得补偿。按下让讨厌的人生活鸡飞狗跳的按钮,取决于对对方的恨意和时间距离。只有一次使用哆啦A梦任意门的机会,会选择在临死前使用,去往想去的地方。 小葱:穿越回唐朝,可以凭借现代音乐技能,成为民间艺人。是否按下让前任生活鸡飞狗跳的按钮,取决于与前任的关系和获得的利益。是否选择五百万但一辈子不举的条件,取决于对金钱和性生活的权衡。 小小:穿越回唐朝,可以从厨艺方面入手,了解当地饮食习惯。拥有读心术超能力,需要考虑其实际应用和获利方式。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the hosts discuss the idea of meeting a gender-swapped version of themselves?

The hosts explored the idea of meeting a gender-swapped version of themselves to reflect on self-perception and compatibility. They concluded that they wouldn’t like their gender-swapped selves because they are too familiar with their own flaws and personalities, making it difficult to imagine attraction.

What was the hosts' reaction to the hypothetical scenario of attending Tsinghua University without receiving a diploma?

The hosts had mixed reactions. One host expressed interest in attending Tsinghua to learn in a specific field and experience university life, while another dismissed the idea, arguing that without a diploma, the education would be useless for career advancement.

How did the hosts approach the hypothetical scenario of having 100 people who are completely loyal to them?

The hosts took a practical approach, suggesting that the 100 loyal individuals should first find jobs to support themselves. They planned to organize them into teams, with higher-educated individuals managing operations and others providing services like elderly care, aiming to create a sustainable business model.

What was the hosts' response to the hypothetical scenario of living in the same hotel as Conan from Detective Conan?

The hosts humorously acknowledged that staying in the same hotel as Conan would likely result in a murder case. They considered following Conan or his companions to stay safe, but ultimately concluded that survival would depend on luck.

How did the hosts react to the idea of using 200 grams of body tissue to exchange for 100,000 RMB?

The hosts immediately thought of using fat as the body tissue to exchange for money, as it would be the least harmful and most practical option. They joked about how much fat they could exchange for the money.

What was the hosts' take on the hypothetical scenario of traveling back to ancient times with their current skills?

The hosts struggled to identify how their modern skills would be useful in ancient times. They considered roles like cooking or writing poetry but concluded that their lack of practical skills would make survival difficult. One host even joked about starting a cult using future knowledge.

How did the hosts respond to the hypothetical scenario of pressing a button for 10 billion RMB but causing human extinction in 500 years?

The hosts agreed to press the button, reasoning that 500 years is too distant to worry about, and humanity’s survival is uncertain regardless. They prioritized the immediate financial gain over the long-term consequences.

What was the hosts' reaction to the hypothetical scenario of having a single use of Doraemon’s Anywhere Door?

The hosts decided to save the Anywhere Door for emergencies, such as escaping life-threatening situations or exploring unreachable places like the depths of the ocean or historical sites like the tomb of Qin Shi Huang.

What superpower did the hosts consider most practical for personal gain over three years?

The hosts considered various superpowers, with one choosing teleportation for its practicality in daily tasks like delivery services. Another host thought of time manipulation to maximize benefits, but this was dismissed as too overpowered. They ultimately leaned towards practical abilities like teleportation or mind-reading for financial gain.

本期节目讨论了如果遇到性转版的自己是否会喜欢等一系列看起来很荒诞的问题。 嘉宾们从颜值、性格、生活习惯等多个角度出发,分享了自己的看法,并由此引申出对爱情观、择偶观的思考。
  • 嘉宾们对性转版本的自己持有不同看法,有人注重颜值,有人更看重性格和生活习惯。
  • 讨论中体现了嘉宾们对自身性格和生活方式的认知,以及对理想伴侣的期待。
  • 问题答案在一定程度上反映了个人的人性和价值观。

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