If someone failed to answer at least three out of six questions correctly, they had to transfer 100 yuan to the other participants.
The first question was about which hand the speaker used to hold a cigarette, with the correct answer being the right hand.
The speaker owns two down jackets, one of which is a Canada Goose jacket.
The speaker's favorite beer is Yanjing Pubeer, commonly referred to as 'big green bottle'.
The speaker's favorite fruits include durian, coconut, lychee, and mangosteen.
The scenario involved a button that, if pressed, would grant the presser a lifetime of perfect health but cause their two friends to disappear and never be able to contact them again.
The speaker's favorite classic cocktail is the Gin and Tonic.
The speaker recently developed a strong liking for rap music from Xinjiang, particularly from a specific group or artist.