cover of episode 【人间杂谈】实锤!这个世界真是一个巨大的草台班子


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#social commentary#law enforcement and public safety People
@老三 :通过分享个人在处理遗产、参与活动等经历,以及对其他行业的观察,印证了罗翔老师"世界是一个巨大的草台班子"的观点。许多看似正规的机构或行业,背后存在着许多不规范、不专业甚至草率的现象。例如,公证书出现错别字,国家级会议的视觉设计出现错误,健身教练资质认证不严格,酒吧行业存在过度包装等。这些现象并非个例,而是普遍存在于各个行业。 老三认为,许多看似成功的企业或个人,其早期发展阶段可能也存在很多不足之处,甚至是以一种草率的方式起步,但只要敢于尝试和行动,并对利益有精准的把握,最终也能取得成功。他以酒鬼地图活动为例,说明一个小型团队如何通过低成本、低技术含量的运作方式,最终取得成功并发展壮大。 老三还分享了在线教育行业外教辱华事件,以及自己参与鸡尾酒节活动的经历,进一步说明了社会上存在许多看似正规,实则存在漏洞和问题的机构或行业。 老三总结道,许多行业的入门门槛并不高,看似高大上的职业,其背后可能存在很多不为人知的简单之处。许多看似难以企及的目标,只要深入了解,其实并不难实现。 @小葱 :小葱从个人经历出发,例如公证书错别字、书店贴纸错别字、酒吧行业现状等,佐证了"世界是一个巨大的草台班子"这一观点。她认为,许多行业并非表面看起来那么专业,背后存在很多不规范或不专业的现象。例如,许多健身教练的资质认证过程并不严格,实际教学水平参差不齐;酒吧行业也存在过度包装的现象。 小葱还分享了参与酒鬼地图活动的经历,说明了该活动最初是由一个小型团队发起,运作方式较为草率,但最终取得了成功。她认为,许多看似成功的企业或个人,其早期发展阶段可能也存在很多不足之处,但只要敢于尝试和行动,最终也能取得成功。 小葱还谈到了香水行业的制作工艺并不复杂,一些看似高端的产品,其制作成本和技术含量可能并不高。她认为,许多行业的入门门槛并不高,看似高大上的职业,其背后可能存在很多不为人知的简单之处。 @小小 :小小主要从旁观者的角度,对老三和小葱的观点进行补充和佐证,并对"世界是一个巨大的草台班子"这一观点进行总结和升华。她认为,许多事情的成功,并非依赖于高学历、高技能或庞大的团队,敢于尝试和行动更为重要。许多看似难以企及的目标,只要深入了解,其实并不难实现。她还强调了罗翔老师"世界是一个巨大的草台班子"这句话的深刻含义,它不仅仅是一个梗,更蕴含着深刻的道理。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What does the phrase 'the world is a huge slapdash team' imply?

The phrase suggests that many aspects of the world, including institutions and industries, operate in a haphazard or unprofessional manner, despite appearances of order and competence.

Why was the speaker shocked by the typo in the notarized document?

The speaker was shocked because notarized documents are supposed to be legally binding and issued by authoritative institutions, implying a high level of scrutiny and professionalism. Finding a typo in such a document undermined its credibility.

What incident highlighted the lack of professionalism in the fitness industry?

The speaker discovered that many fitness coaches' certifications and titles displayed in gyms could be purchased for less than 3000 yuan, and some coaches demonstrated incorrect and dangerous techniques during training sessions.

How did the 'Drunken Map' event reveal the slapdash nature of its organization?

The 'Drunken Map' event, which allowed participants to visit multiple bars for a low price, was initially organized by a small team of students with minimal resources. Despite its seemingly professional appearance, the event was hastily put together with little oversight or formal backing.

What does the speaker's experience with perfume-making reveal about the industry?

The speaker found that making perfume is far less complex than it appears, with many ingredients and formulas readily available online. This discovery highlighted that the perceived sophistication of the perfume industry is often more about branding than technical expertise.

What lesson does the speaker draw from the success of seemingly slapdash projects?

The speaker concludes that many successful projects or industries are not as professional or well-organized as they appear. Success often comes from taking initiative and being willing to act, even if the initial efforts are imperfect or unpolished.

  • 公证书出现错别字
  • 银行因此无法办理业务
  • 公证处流程的'草台'之处

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