The phrase suggests that many aspects of the world, including institutions and industries, operate in a haphazard or unprofessional manner, despite appearances of order and competence.
The speaker was shocked because notarized documents are supposed to be legally binding and issued by authoritative institutions, implying a high level of scrutiny and professionalism. Finding a typo in such a document undermined its credibility.
The speaker discovered that many fitness coaches' certifications and titles displayed in gyms could be purchased for less than 3000 yuan, and some coaches demonstrated incorrect and dangerous techniques during training sessions.
The 'Drunken Map' event, which allowed participants to visit multiple bars for a low price, was initially organized by a small team of students with minimal resources. Despite its seemingly professional appearance, the event was hastily put together with little oversight or formal backing.
The speaker found that making perfume is far less complex than it appears, with many ingredients and formulas readily available online. This discovery highlighted that the perceived sophistication of the perfume industry is often more about branding than technical expertise.
The speaker concludes that many successful projects or industries are not as professional or well-organized as they appear. Success often comes from taking initiative and being willing to act, even if the initial efforts are imperfect or unpolished.