cover of episode 【人间杂谈】酒吧老板亲述五年来收到的那些差评!


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@老三 :本文详细分析了五年来酒吧收到的21条差评案例,涵盖酒水质量、环境卫生、服务态度、低消制度、外带食物规定等多个方面。通过对每条差评的具体内容、原因分析以及改进措施的阐述,展现了商家在经营过程中不断学习和成长的历程。例如,针对酒水难喝的问题,商家反思了配方、操作等问题,并改进服务流程;针对环境吵闹的问题,商家加强了对员工的管理,并改善了店内环境;针对服务态度差的问题,商家提升了员工的服务意识和沟通技巧。此外,文章还探讨了低消制度、外带食物规定等问题,并对顾客的期望值进行了分析,从商家角度出发,对顾客的评价进行了回应和反思。 @小葱 :从顾客角度出发,分析了差评产生的原因,并提出了改进建议。例如,针对顾客对鸡米花等待时间过长和服务不到位的评价,商家改进服务流程,并提前告知顾客制作时间;针对顾客对卫生间环境差的评价,商家加强了卫生间的清洁工作;针对顾客对接电话态度不好的评价,商家提升了接电话的技巧和服务意识。此外,文章还探讨了顾客对酒吧和餐厅服务模式的认知差异,以及如何处理顾客的负面评价。 @小霞 :对差评案例进行了总结和反思,并提出了改进措施。例如,针对酒水口感问题,商家反思了管理和员工操作问题,并加强了员工培训;针对低消制度和外带食物规定问题,商家对低消制度进行了调整,并加强了对顾客的沟通和解释。此外,文章还强调了沟通的重要性,建议商家与顾客进行沟通,以寻求双方满意的解决方案。 老三:通过对五年来收到的差评进行分析,我们发现大部分差评并非恶意攻击,而是顾客体验不佳的真实反馈。这些反馈涵盖了酒水质量、服务态度、环境卫生、低消制度等多个方面。例如,酒水难喝的问题,可能是由于配方出错、操作失误或个人口味差异等原因造成;服务态度差的问题,可能是由于员工沟通技巧不足、服务意识不强等原因造成;环境吵闹的问题,可能是由于店内客流量大、员工沟通不当等原因造成。针对这些问题,我们采取了相应的改进措施,例如改进酒水配方、加强员工培训、优化店内环境等。 小葱:在处理差评的过程中,我们也学习到了很多沟通技巧。例如,在回复差评时,要保持冷静和理性,避免与顾客发生冲突;要认真倾听顾客的意见,并积极寻求解决方案;要及时反馈处理结果,并向顾客表达歉意。此外,我们也意识到,顾客的评价不仅针对产品本身,也包含了整体的消费体验,因此我们需要从多个方面提升顾客体验。 小霞:通过对差评的分析,我们也更加了解了顾客的需求和期望。例如,顾客希望获得优质的酒水、良好的服务、舒适的环境以及尊重的感受。因此,我们需要不断改进我们的产品和服务,以满足顾客的需求和期望。同时,我们也需要加强与顾客的沟通,了解他们的想法和感受,并及时解决他们的问题。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the bar owners decide to share the negative reviews they received over the years?

The bar owners decided to share the negative reviews to reflect on their experiences and learn from them. They believe that while negative reviews can be frustrating, they also provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement. Over five years of running their bars, they have received 3,128 reviews, with 74 being neutral and 21 being negative. They see this as an opportunity to grow and refine their business practices.

What was the most extreme negative review the bar received, and how did the owners react?

The most extreme negative review came from a customer who criticized the bar's signature drink, calling it 'painful to drink' and expressing a wish for the bar to 'close down and stop harming more people.' The owners were particularly upset by the harsh tone of the review, especially the last sentence. However, they acknowledged that the review highlighted genuine issues, such as noise from staff and poor service, which they addressed by reviewing security footage and improving staff training.

How did the bar owners handle a negative review about the bar's location and accessibility?

The bar owners received a negative review complaining about the difficulty of finding the bar due to ongoing road construction. While they understood the frustration, they felt it was unfair to penalize the bar for external factors beyond their control. They explained that such issues are temporary and that the review could deter potential customers even after the construction was completed. They also noted that they have a 30% success rate in getting such reviews removed from platforms.

What was the owners' response to a negative review about the bar's cleanliness, specifically the restroom?

The owners took full responsibility for a negative review that criticized the cleanliness of the bar's restroom, describing it as 'disgusting.' They acknowledged the issue and implemented a new policy requiring staff to check and clean the restroom every hour. They also emphasized the importance of maintaining high hygiene standards, especially in areas like restrooms that can significantly impact customer experience.

How did the bar owners address a negative review about the bar's music volume?

The bar owners received a negative review complaining about the music being too loud and the staff refusing to lower the volume. They explained that as a bar, maintaining a certain level of music is part of the ambiance, and they cannot accommodate requests to turn it down. They also mentioned that they monitor the decibel levels to ensure they comply with noise regulations, but ultimately, they believe that customers should expect a certain level of noise when visiting a bar.

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