cover of episode vol.38 老喻✖️崔璀:如何养成你的“好运体质”?

vol.38 老喻✖️崔璀:如何养成你的“好运体质”?

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老喻:本书从理性的角度探讨运气,认为其本质是概率。在不确定的世界中,过去依赖的因果关系越来越脆弱,努力的回报也不再稳定。我们需要重新构建新的叙事体系,重新审视因果关系,并从更宏观的角度看待好运与坏运。人生的价值不仅仅在于成功,更在于每个瞬间的原则性行动。变异性是人类创造性的来源,但其具有随机性。我们需要重新思考如何在不确定的环境下做出选择,并从价值观的角度出发,做出符合自身原则的决策。在面对困境时,要保持乐观,并从更长远的时间维度去考量得失。 在选择和决策时,要区分认知和价值观两个维度。认知层面会给出最优选项,而价值观则会指引我们做出更符合自身原则的选择,即使这可能意味着要承担代价。我们需要学会放弃一些不重要的东西,并专注于真正有价值的事情。好运体质的人往往拥有稳定而强大的内核,他们能够在面对困境时保持冷静,并做出正确的选择。 关于如何养成好运体质,老喻提出了三个关键点:第一,关注我们对事件的反应,而不是事件本身;第二,关注基础概率,选择大概率正确的事情;第三,保持内核稳定,不为坏事纠结,并学会放弃不重要的东西。 老喻还分享了泰坦尼克号沉没的案例,说明了事件的独立性在风险管理中的重要性。他认为,创造几个互不相干的现金流,可以有效分散风险。 崔璀:作为主持人,崔璀分享了她对老喻的个人认知,以及对老喻新书《好运》的解读。她认为老喻是一个理性与感性并存的人,他的写作风格独特,兼具逻辑性和创新性。她还分享了她在工作中遇到的挑战,许多学员面临心力不足,即使有选项也缺乏改变的动力。这可能与环境变化、努力效能下降、组织架构调整和内卷有关。 崔璀认为,我们需要梳理发生的事情,探索应对方式,并尝试调整自己。她认同老喻在书中提出的观点,即我们需要重新构建新的叙事体系,来应对时代变化。她还分享了她自己的一些经历和感悟,包括在做选择和决策时,价值观起到了关键作用。她认为,个体是有选择能力和主观能动性的,即使在面对艰难的选择时,也要相信自己的选择是有指向性的。 崔璀还分享了她对好运体质的理解,她认为好运体质的人往往乐观、笃定,并能够在面对困境时保持冷静。他们能够识别并抓住机会,并拥有强大的执行力。崔璀还分享了她对自身优势的认知,以及如何将这些优势转化为职场竞争力。她认为,每个人都有自己的独特性,而好运体质的养成,需要我们去发现和发挥自身的优势,并保持积极乐观的心态。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the underlying principle of luck according to Lao Yu?

Lao Yu explains that luck, from a rational perspective, is fundamentally about probability. It is a way to measure uncertainty in an unpredictable world. He suggests that luck is a secular term that, despite its informal appearance, touches on very deep and essential aspects of life.

How does Lao Yu suggest we should think about effort and reward in an uncertain environment?

Lao Yu argues that in an uncertain environment, the traditional cause-and-effect relationship where effort directly leads to reward is increasingly fragile. He emphasizes that in such times, it's crucial to rethink our strategies and understand that success may not always follow effort in a linear fashion.

What does Lao Yu propose as a response to the unpredictability of the current era?

Lao Yu suggests that in the face of unpredictability, it's important to focus on what truly matters and to consider the long-term value of our actions. He uses the analogy of training a large AI model, where significant resources are invested upfront for potentially transformative outcomes, to illustrate the importance of enduring short-term losses for long-term gains.

What characteristics do people with good luck typically have according to the discussion?

People with good luck are often optimistic, have a stable core, and know when to let go of certain opportunities. They are not necessarily free from bad events, but they do not dwell on them and are adept at moving forward without unnecessary hesitation or regret.

How does Lao Yu describe the role of randomness in human life and evolution?

Lao Yu describes randomness as a crucial element in human evolution and creativity. He notes that variability, which is essentially randomness, leads to the emergence of new species and innovations. This randomness is not inherently good or bad but is a fundamental aspect of life that drives change and development.

  • 老喻的优势测评结果:分析优势、学习优势、创新优势、驱动优势
  • 分析加驱动优势:逻辑闭环与宏观感性并存
  • 新书《好运》主题:好运体质

Shownotes Transcript





01:53 什么样的优势,让人同时具备理性和感性

03:31 运气的底层是什么

07:30 大环境非常不确定的情况下,我们该做什么

27:55 人有主动选择的能力吗?

30:50 人只能赚价值观以内的钱

54:39 好运的人都有什么特点?

72:42 从优势出发,看成长可能性

77:19 当我们和缺陷和解

82:18 缺点的另一面是优势

95:03 从优势天赋出发看到自己的独特性










