cover of episode 50 全面复盘 Jellycat 是怎么火的!如何让小众爱好变成赚钱的副业?对谈初代Jellycat代理商 Anna

50 全面复盘 Jellycat 是怎么火的!如何让小众爱好变成赚钱的副业?对谈初代Jellycat代理商 Anna

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树杨:本期节目探讨Jellycat品牌在中国市场的成功秘诀,以及普通人如何将小众爱好转化为副业。 安娜:我从事战略收购和投资工作,副业经营咖啡店并代理销售Jellycat。我最初通过朋友推荐了解到Jellycat,被其产品设计和多元化吸引。由于发现Jellycat线下销售场景不足,我决定尝试代理销售。我通过邮件联系品牌方,并最终获得代理权。 我从逻辑上判断Jellycat在中国市场有发展潜力,基于以下几点:首先,乐高对玩具的评判标准,以及Jellycat的产品力、品牌定位和市场潜力;其次,Jellycat的产品具有很强的社交性和二次创作性,这与其他毛绒玩具不同;再次,Jellycat的产品力非常强,设计风格鲜明,并可以嫁接到很多不同的品类;最后,Jellycat对自身定位为奢侈品,但价格对于成年人来说比较容易接受。 Jellycat的火爆是量变到质变的过程,原因包括消费降级、产品迭代、内容出圈等。消费降级使得人们更倾向于购买一些能带来情绪价值的产品,而Jellycat恰好满足了这一需求。此外,Jellycat的产品不断迭代,并紧跟市场潮流,例如推出食物系列、运动系列等,迎合了中国市场的喜好。内容电商的传播也为Jellycat的火爆做出了贡献。 我作为代理商,最大的感触是Jellycat的产品真的卖得很好,虽然利润不如咖啡店高,但绝对金额可观。此外,品牌认知度也随着时间的推移不断提升,库存管理也比较容易。 Jellycat的爆款产品包括动物系列、食物系列和节日限定系列。线下销售场景不可替代,因为Jellycat的SKU众多,线下库存与线上不同,可以提供更多选择。此外,线下销售能提供更好的客户体验,例如挑选独一无二的产品。 Jellycat在中国市场的营销策略包括与优质经销商合作、快闪店等。品牌方会根据中国市场的喜好调整产品策略,例如推出包挂等小物件。 现在加盟Jellycat需要线下销售场地,并满足一定的订货量要求。 安娜:我通过邮件联系Jellycat品牌方,并最终获得代理权,其过程相对顺利。Jellycat品牌方更注重线下销售,对线上渠道管控严格。成功代理的关键在于对咖啡店场景的理解和对品牌喜爱,以及展现其与目标客群的契合度。 Jellycat的火爆是量变到质变的过程,原因包括消费降级、产品迭代、内容出圈等。消费降级使得人们更倾向于购买一些能带来情绪价值的产品,而Jellycat恰好满足了这一需求。此外,Jellycat的产品不断迭代,并紧跟市场潮流,例如推出食物系列、运动系列等,迎合了中国市场的喜好。内容电商的传播也为Jellycat的火爆做出了贡献。 我作为代理商,最大的感触是Jellycat的产品真的卖得很好,虽然利润不如咖啡店高,但绝对金额可观。此外,品牌认知度也随着时间的推移不断提升,库存管理也比较容易。 Jellycat的供应链是全球化的,不同产品可能来自不同工厂,并根据毛料品质选择供应链。 Jellycat的爆款产品包括动物系列、食物系列和节日限定系列。线下销售场景不可替代,因为Jellycat的SKU众多,线下库存与线上不同,可以提供更多选择。此外,线下销售能提供更好的客户体验,例如挑选独一无二的产品。 Jellycat在中国市场的营销策略包括与优质经销商合作、快闪店等。品牌方会根据中国市场的喜好调整产品策略,例如推出包挂等小物件。 现在加盟Jellycat需要线下销售场地,并满足一定的订货量要求。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Jellycat become popular in China despite economic challenges?

Jellycat's popularity in China can be attributed to its ability to fulfill emotional needs and its luxury positioning. Amid economic downturns, consumers sought affordable yet high-quality items for emotional satisfaction. Jellycat, with its unique designs and premium materials, offered a sense of indulgence without the high cost of traditional luxury goods. Additionally, its strong social media presence and content-driven marketing helped it gain traction among younger audiences.

How did Anna become a Jellycat distributor in 2020?

Anna discovered Jellycat through a university friend who found it difficult to purchase the brand in China. Intrigued, she explored the brand’s website and was impressed by its diverse product range. She reached out to Jellycat’s global team via a distributor inquiry email and proposed selling the products in her friend’s coffee shop. After presenting a detailed plan, she secured the distribution rights, leveraging her understanding of the local market and offline retail experience.

What makes Jellycat’s product strategy unique?

Jellycat’s product strategy focuses on diversity, quality, and emotional connection. Its extensive SKU range includes animals, plants, food, and seasonal items, appealing to a wide audience. The brand emphasizes tactile experiences, encouraging customers to interact with products in-store. Additionally, Jellycat avoids overproduction of popular items, maintaining scarcity and driving demand for new releases. This approach ensures continuous innovation and keeps the brand fresh and engaging.

Who are Jellycat’s primary customers, and in what scenarios are the products purchased?

Jellycat’s primary customers include mothers buying for their children, gift-givers, and adult collectors. The brand’s soft, high-quality materials make it a popular choice for baby gifts, while its diverse designs cater to personalized gifting for occasions like birthdays, weddings, and holidays. Additionally, Jellycat has gained fashion appeal, with products like bags and keychains becoming trendy accessories. Its emotional and aesthetic value makes it a versatile gift and collectible item.

What are Jellycat’s best-selling products and series?

Jellycat’s best-selling products include the Bashful Bunny series, Barcelona Bear, and food-themed items like the eggplant and croissant. Seasonal and event-specific collections, such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas-themed items, also perform well. The brand’s ability to create playful, relatable designs, combined with its high-quality materials, has made these products popular among both children and adults.

What are the challenges and benefits of being a Jellycat distributor?

As a Jellycat distributor, Anna highlights the brand’s strong product appeal and low inventory risk as key benefits. Despite lower profit margins compared to other businesses like coffee, the high price point of Jellycat products ensures significant revenue. Challenges include managing diverse SKUs and meeting the brand’s high standards for retail environments. However, the brand’s growing popularity and consistent demand make it a rewarding venture.

What marketing strategies has Jellycat used to grow its presence in China?

Jellycat’s marketing in China has focused on collaborations with high-end retailers, social media campaigns, and product adaptations tailored to local tastes. Partnerships with stores like Look Now and strategic placements in trendy locations have boosted its visibility. The brand also leverages its products’ strong visual and emotional appeal, encouraging user-generated content and social sharing. Additionally, it introduces China-specific designs, such as food-themed items, to resonate with local consumers.

What are the requirements to become a Jellycat distributor?

To become a Jellycat distributor, applicants must have a physical retail space and meet the brand’s high standards for location and presentation. The brand prefers upscale environments like luxury boutiques and high-end department stores. Distributors must also commit to minimum order quantities, which vary by product. These requirements ensure that Jellycat maintains its premium positioning and consistent retail experience.

本期节目邀请了 Jellycat 的代理商 Anna,探讨了 Jellycat 品牌在中国爆火的原因、满足的消费需求以及成功的市场策略。Anna 分享了她发现 Jellycat 的契机,以及如何成功获得代理权的经验。
  • Jellycat 通过社交媒体和内容电商实现品牌传播
  • 线下销售是 Jellycat 的优势,可以提供更好的客户体验
  • Jellycat 的产品力强,设计风格鲜明,SKU 多元化
  • Jellycat 对中国市场的迎合度高,关注市场热点

Shownotes Transcript



其次是希望听众可以以Anna 为案例借鉴,分享如何从小众爱好中发现并抓住代理机会,评估投资,并与品牌方有效沟通。

最后对Jellycat有兴趣的同学可以私信树杨客服号:shu1007yang 好生意时间戳 01:04 - 如何在 2020 年发现Jelly cat产品

03:21 - 安娜成为代理商的契机和过程,如何向品牌方pitch并成功获得代理权

06:19 - 当时对Jelly cat品牌潜力的逻辑判断,中国市场潜力,以及奢侈品定位的看法

11:09 - 讨论Jelly cat近年来市场热度上升的原因:消费降级、新品迭代、内容出圈

15:10 - Jelly cat新品策略&供应链的特点和优势

17:26 - 乐高对好玩具的定义,泡泡玛特与Jelly cat的产品性质讨论

18:05 - Jelly cat的目标客户和购买场景,送礼、时尚、

22:26 - Jelly cat供应链的个性化和产品差异化

23:02 - 线下销售的优势和客户体验

24:44 - Jelly cat的爆款产品和系列

27:26 - 安娜作为代理商的心得和销售情况,品牌认知度提升、库存管理

30:38 - 绝版产品的价值和市场

31:05 - 收藏和投资Jelly cat产品的看法

31:40 - 购买和销售Jelly cat产品的建议

33:19 - Jelly cat在中国的营销动作和策略

35:16 - 加盟Jelly cat的门槛和要求 你不能错过的生意的社群 想交流更多生意经和赚钱机会,以及有资源变现需求的小伙伴们,可以通过下方联系方式找到我们,进入我们的高质量社群。由于好友申请过多,添加微信后请按照以下模板告诉我们(否则不会拉群哦):





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微信号:shu1007yang (本人接待,商业合作也可以找我,直接阐明诉求) 主播:树杨

  • 树杨:前美股上市公司创新业务&战略投资负责人,走过中国东南西北,研究过几百种好生意

即刻、小红书 ID:树杨)


视频号:树杨聊副业 sphPPpE3AKZGWtT


  • 剪辑:树杨

