cover of episode Vol.94丨音乐赋予我们联系,一起逃出人间炼狱「嘉宾:王以太」


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AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
阿车:作为节目的主持人,我介绍了王以太的音乐成就、新专辑《Love Me Later》以及他参加的综艺节目,并表达了希望通过节目让更多人了解王以太及其音乐的愿望。 我与王以太就广州和成都的音乐氛围、方言在音乐创作中的作用、新专辑《Love Me Later》的创作理念、中国说唱音乐的现状、AI技术对音乐创作的影响、为人父母后的感悟、以及他近期喜欢的音乐等话题进行了深入的探讨。 在节目的后半部分,我重点介绍了王以太的精选作品,并对每首歌曲的创作背景、音乐风格和表达情感进行了详细的解读,力求让听众更全面地了解王以太的音乐世界。 王以太:我分享了我对广州这座城市的印象,以及成都的音乐氛围对我音乐创作的影响。我谈到在音乐创作中,方言的使用取决于我的创作状态和表达意图,而非刻意追求或避免。 我阐述了我做音乐的理念是“作品为王”,先让自己享受创作过程,才能更好地影响听众。我解释了专辑名《Love Me Later》的寓意,以及我对中国说唱音乐现状的看法。 我分享了我对AI技术发展带来的不可控性的担忧,以及AI生成的音乐虽然质量高,但缺乏情感共鸣的观点。我谈到为人父母后的感悟,以及教育孩子要鼓励他们主动尝试,而不是人云亦云。 最后,我推荐了几首我最近喜欢的音乐,并分享了我对音乐创作的思考和对未来的展望,表达了对一直支持我的歌迷的感谢。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Wang Yitai's album 'Love Me Later' considered a strong candidate for the best Chinese hip-hop album of the year?

Wang Yitai's album 'Love Me Later' is considered a strong candidate for the best Chinese hip-hop album of the year due to its innovative approach and high-quality production. The album showcases Wang Yitai's growth as an artist, blending soulful melodies with intricate lyrics. It also reflects his ability to stay true to his artistic vision while appealing to a broad audience, making it a standout in the increasingly competitive Chinese hip-hop scene.

How does Wang Yitai view the role of AI in music creation?

Wang Yitai is skeptical about the role of AI in music creation, particularly its ability to evoke genuine emotional connections. While he acknowledges that AI can produce music of high technical quality, he believes it lacks the soul and creativity that human artists bring. He emphasizes that AI can only learn and replicate existing patterns, but it cannot create something truly original or emotionally resonant, which is essential for meaningful music.

What is the significance of the song 'Shout It Out' in Wang Yitai's career?

The song 'Shout It Out' is significant in Wang Yitai's career as it marked a bold attempt to revive the gospel hip-hop genre in China. Released in 2019, the song received mixed reviews initially, but over time, it has been recognized for its emotional depth and positive message. Wang Yitai's early exploration of gospel hip-hop at the age of 24 demonstrated his forward-thinking approach and willingness to experiment with different styles, setting him apart from his peers.

How does Wang Yitai balance his passion for music with the need to make a living?

Wang Yitai maintains a clear balance between his passion for music and the need to make a living by staying true to his original motivation—his love for music. He believes that focusing on creating music he enjoys will naturally lead to financial success. Wang Yitai emphasizes the importance of staying authentic and not compromising his artistic integrity for commercial gain, while also recognizing the necessity of earning a living to sustain his music career.

What role does Wang Yitai believe his upbringing in Chengdu played in his music career?

Wang Yitai credits his upbringing in Chengdu as a crucial factor in his music career. He believes that the city's vibrant hip-hop culture and supportive community provided him with the inspiration and opportunities to pursue his passion. Chengdu's laid-back yet creative atmosphere allowed him to develop his unique style, and he takes pride in being part of the city's thriving music scene, which he considers one of the best in China.

What is the underlying message of Wang Yitai's song 'Aspiring'?

The song 'Aspiring' by Wang Yitai conveys a message of resilience and self-reflection in the face of life's challenges. It explores the struggles of dealing with societal pressures and personal insecurities, while also emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself. The lyrics highlight the tension between ambition and the fear of failure, ultimately encouraging listeners to persevere and find their own path despite the obstacles.

How does Wang Yitai approach the use of dialect in his music?

Wang Yitai approaches the use of dialect in his music as a natural extension of his identity, rather than a deliberate choice to appeal to a specific audience. He believes that using his native Chengdu dialect adds authenticity and richness to his music. While he acknowledges that some listeners may find it challenging to understand, he prioritizes creative expression and personal satisfaction over widespread accessibility, trusting that the quality of his work will resonate with listeners.

What inspired Wang Yitai and Ai Re to create the album 'Survivor's Guilt'?

The album 'Survivor's Guilt' by Wang Yitai and Ai Re was inspired by the idea of exploring the emotions and struggles of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world. Created during the COVID-19 pandemic, the album reflects on themes of guilt, resilience, and hope in the face of global crises. The artists envisioned themselves as survivors in a fictional disaster, using music to process their feelings and offer solace to listeners experiencing similar emotions.

  • 王以太出生于成都,认为成都的说唱氛围是全国最好的之一。
  • 他创作时会根据自身状态选择使用方言或普通话,认为方言是加分项。
  • 他认为创作最重要的在于让自身感到开心,才能影响他人。
  • 新专辑《Love Me Later》体现了他从容不迫的创作状态。

Shownotes Transcript




「音乐人入境计划」第5期,我们邀请到了说唱歌手@王以太不闪火 ,录制时间正值他的Love Me Later2024巡回演唱会广州站当天,很开心和闪火聊了聊他最近的生活、对新专辑的感受以及一些有趣的音乐话题。

王以太出生于四川成都,冠以CDC成都集团的名号,作为中文说唱音乐的先锋代表人物,人称“热单制造机”的他在今年6月发表第三张个人专辑《Love Me Later》,这张专辑也被称为“本年度华语嘻哈最佳专辑”的有力候选。

《Love Me Later》专辑简介中写道:“在中文说唱日益喧嚣的浪潮中依旧从容不迫。”我认为这句话精准犀利地描述了王以太当下做音乐的想法和状态。在他看来,“作品为王”说的不是作品有多好,就会受到多大的关注;作品的优秀,却可以让人接触到下一波浪潮来的时候。


p.s. 节目的前半部分为阿车和王以太的对谈,当然你也可以选择跳转到 16:52 的「王以太精选作品推荐」,感受王以太真实、浪漫、创造丰富听感的音乐世界。


王以太 - 阿司匹林

王以太 - 人间天堂

王以太 - Shout It Out

王以太 - 童言无忌 (Live)

王以太 - 别怕变老

王以太/艾热 - 现实的生活

王以太 - Wake Up

王以太 - 匕首

王以太 - 大桥

王以太 - 不称职的天才

Tyler,The Creator 《CHROMAKOPIA》专辑(王以太推荐)


00:24 开场:欢迎王以太进入一人之境

03:02 广州和成都,各自的音乐氛围

04:27 用成都方言搞说唱,是加分项吗?

06:30 Love Me Later!王以太的音乐仍在进行时

09:36 “中文说唱正处于热恋后的冷静期”

11:16 清醒地保持热爱,在谋生与享受音乐中平衡

12:42 成为父亲后:想让孩子主动尝试,不要人云亦云

13:43 AI做的音乐,有质量却难有感情共鸣

16:34 王以太推荐:Tyler,The Creator新专辑

16:52-60:22 一人之境「王以太精选作品推荐」

如果你喜欢王以太“闪火”,曾经因为他的音乐而有过难忘的经历和故事;或者听了今天推荐后,其中一些作品让你印象深刻,欢迎在一人之境播客的各个评论区留言,我们将在留言的听友当中挑选两位,分别送出王以太亲笔签名照,show more love to 3ho!

