
A commentary on gaming lifestyle: its history, its news, and all things hype!


Total: 474

Matt's calling this one the Blue Sky episode. Which is not a reference to the new social media platf

Suffice to say I was dead wrong about this years show. I was so confident it would be a nothing burg

There's a lot of winking and speculating that there will be a couple show stopper announcements at T

It's the 30th anniversary of PlayStation! So, here's a walk through the 90's with one of the best co

Matt's going to title this episode "Game Industry Comes to Jesus" because it's funnier - so if you'r

Every year the same question pops up: is TGA really an awards ceremony? Is it valid? Or is it just a

YoVG # 464 Is Aonuma Creative?


In this weeks episode: we talk Matt's Japan trip - specifically Ghibli theme park and the wonder of

YoVG # 463 Welcome Back Matt


It's a movie episode! With an extra 20-30 minutes of game talk at the end. It's a long episode, but

Ever see a trailer or read a quick blurb on a game and think "This sounds incredible!" but then when

Today you have just a few options and so it is hard to go wrong. Whether you choose Sony, Nintendo,

Might be better to say "our favorite type of villains" because we talk more about villain make up th

We've speculated in the past that maybe everyone should standardize to the same engine. That maybe t

  Tokyo Game Show doesn't usually have HUGE reveals, but there is always something interes

State of Play 2024 was a mixed bag for me. Matt rates it as overall pretty good - a win - even befor

Square Enix released its earnings and we saw in plain numbers that Final Fantasy 16 and Rebirth did

Starting on a positive note: Astrobot has really landed with us. Granted, Matt thinks there's places

Not the record it wanted... But a record nonetheless. In a shock move, just 10 days after it release

In a twist, Nintendo dropped a double-direct earlier this week. Combining a Partner Direct with an a

YoVG # 452 GAMESCOM ONL 2024


Positive up front: there was some cool stuff announced here. Not much gameplay, yeah, but still cool

In case you had a hard time following the two-ish hour Xenoblade One Lorecast featuring Nico