In our podcast, Your Undivided Attention, co-hosts Tristan Harris, Aza Raskin and Daniel Barcay expl
Imagine it's the Cold War. Imagine that the Soviet Union puts itself in a position to influence the
At Center for Humane Technology, we often talk about multipolar traps — which arise when individuals
When you hear the word cyber-attack, what comes to mind? Someone hacking into your email, or stealin
Why isn't Twitter doing more to get bots off their platform? Why isn’t Uber taking better care of it
This week on Your Undivided Attention, we’re doing something different: we’re airing an episode of a
Democracy depends on our ability to choose our political views. But the language we use to talk abou
The game that social media sets us up to play is a game that rewards outrage. It's a game that we wi
How would you know if you were in a cult? If not a cult, then at least under undue influence?The tru
If Elon Musk owns Twitter, what are the risks and what are the opportunities? In order for Twitter t
Civil war might be the most likely escalation pathway towards disaster for our country. On the flip
“The fundamental problem of humanity is that we have paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, an
[This episode originally aired on July 23rd, 2020.] Imagine a world where every country has a digita
Is decentralization inherently a good thing? These days, there's a lot of talk about decentralizatio
One of the oldest technologies we have is language. How do the words we use influence the way we thi
The meta-crisis is so vast: climate change, exponential technology, addiction, polarization, and mor
Renowned quantum physicist Richard Feynman once wrote, "It is our capacity to doubt that will determ
Would you say that the US is in war-time or peace-time? How do you know? The truth is, the nature of
Who do you think the Chinese government considers its biggest rival? The United States, right? Actua
How do you make a film that impacts more than 100 million people in 190 countries in 30 languages?Th
We are now in social media's Big Tobacco moment. And that’s largely thanks to the courage of one wom