Deep (and not-so-deep) conversations about home improvement, design, and life at home. Tune in for w
Wanna know what our next big renovation project is? Well, it’s actually something that we’ve been co
That’s right, there’s a new personal shopping challenge going on at our house - and this time Sherry
This week we’re sharing the mystery of how half of the power in our house suddenly went out when we
It’s our first episode of 2020 and WE BOY DO WE HAVE NEWS! We’re excited to share it because it not
Have you ever thought about your approach to making decisions? It turns out that humans tend to have
After hundreds of submissions from Australia to South Africa, we’ve rounded up some fascinating (and
Don’t we all want mo money without mo problems? Today we’re talking with personal finance expert Tan
It’s no secret that house projects can be stressful. Sometimes REALLY stressful. So today we’re shar
Today we’re exploring an expert’s theory that your childhood passions (specifically around 5th grade
Getting rid of stuff is hard, especially when it comes to kids and their creations. So this week we’
You guys submitted your favorite life hacks over the last few weeks, so today we’ve got an episode b
In honor of Halloween, we’re sharing a spooky occurrence at our beach house that we legitimately cou
Today we’re sharing how two recent treat yourself moments in our house turned sideways on us and how
Our home’s exterior makeover didn’t stop with painting it white last year, so today we’re catching y
We’re sharing how our bathroom reno went from zero to fifty percent (that’ll make more sense when yo
People are always asking how we keep our projects and our household organized ("do you make lists? u
What happens when you move into a smaller house in a smaller town for over two months? That’s what w
We survived our first summer as Airbnb hosts to 23 different families over the course of the last th
This week we’re diving into a survey that reveals the top homebuyer regrets - as in what features th
We recently made two big changes to our shopping habits that are having both positive and negative r