cover of episode 056 | GOT VOTE?

056 | GOT VOTE?

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Young & Indigenous

Cyrus James
Isabella James
Nayana K. Natontokoe Gorman
Roy Alexander
Sky Schofield
Cyrus James:投票是重要的工具,可以被用来争取优势,尤其对资源匮乏的地区而言。它影响政府拨款的分配,进而影响地方基础设施建设和公共服务,以及医疗、社会福利等公共服务。投票决定了政策方向,影响到儿童、老年人等弱势群体的福祉。政策制定者可能会损害环境和社区利益,因此选择合适的代表至关重要。投票是选择与你合作或对抗的人,是行动的起点而非终点。 Sky Schofield:从奥巴马第一次竞选开始就参与投票,并逐渐增加参与度。投票是为自己和代表自己的人做出选择,也是表达自己声音的方式。年轻选民的投票至关重要,因为这关系到他们的未来,也关乎未来几代人的福祉。 Isabella James:虽然对投票了解不多,但意识到其重要性,并鼓励更多人参与。投票是为了纪念祖先,也是为了对抗种族歧视和社会不公,是表达政治观点和为弱势群体发声的方式。投票是行动的起点,之后仍需持续努力。投票是对祖先的纪念,也是行使自身权利的体现。投票是行使权力,并能带来实际改变,例如亚利桑那州的例子。投票如同夺取权力,将其用于改善社区福祉,而非仅仅为了权力本身。不要忽视地方选举的重要性,因为它们同样影响着你的生活。不要忽视选票上的每一个提案,因为它们都会影响你的生活。选民的冷漠正是某些人所希望的,因此积极参与投票非常重要。 Olivia:过去对投票了解不多,直到最近才开始关注,并鼓励自己和他人积极参与投票。参与投票,并鼓励他人投票,认为这对于塑造未来至关重要。 Roy Alexander:虽然不经常参与地方选举,但非常重视部落选举,认为其直接影响部落成员的利益。用《虫虫危机》的例子说明团结的重要性,并鼓励大家参与投票。 Nayana K. Natontokoe Gorman:随着时间的推移,逐渐重视投票,并认为其对保护自身权利和传统至关重要。自己对投票的认识是逐渐加深的,并受到家庭和长辈的影响。投票是为了造福后代,保护族人的权利和传统,特别是条约权利。从小在原住民教会仪式中长大,这影响了她对投票的理解。投票是为了保护儿童和族人的权利。即使居住在州外,也可以通过邮寄投票的方式参与部落选举。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is voting important to Cyrus James?

Voting is a tool to influence policies that affect infrastructure, healthcare, and support services in rural areas. It determines who makes decisions that impact communities, including funding for essential services like road maintenance and healthcare.

What does Sky Schofield think about voting?

Sky views voting as a starting point for change. While it’s not the end-all solution, it sets the stage for who represents your interests and what policies will be implemented. It’s a way to choose who you’ll work with or against in shaping your community’s future.

Why does Olivia vote despite her family’s history of not voting?

Olivia votes to honor the struggles of her ancestors who were denied the right to vote. She sees it as a way to express herself politically and advocate for marginalized groups, including Black, Brown, queer, and disabled communities.

What does Roy Alexander think about voting accessibility?

Roy believes voting should be made more accessible, especially through mail-in ballots or digital options. He notes that many states lack these options, making it harder for people to vote, and suggests that making voting easier could increase participation.

How does Nayana K. Gorman connect voting to Indigenous values?

Nayana aligns her voting with preserving Indigenous rights and protecting the future of her community. She emphasizes the importance of educating oneself about the system to advocate for Indigenous values and protect treaty rights.

What does Sky Schofield think about the idea of not voting?

Sky finds the idea of not voting to be insidious and angering. He believes that apathy is a tool used by oppressors to maintain the status quo, and voting is a way to fight against that complacency.

What does Roy Alexander suggest for increasing voter turnout among young people?

Roy suggests that young people can be inspired to vote by seeing role models within their communities who prioritize voting. He also believes that education about how voting directly affects individuals’ lives can motivate younger voters to participate.

What does Nayana K. Gorman say about the importance of Indigenous youth traveling and learning about other cultures?

Nayana believes that traveling and learning about other cultures can help Indigenous youth understand the world and their place within it. It can inspire them to be resilient and better advocate for their communities.

What does Sky Schofield think about running for office?

Sky would consider running for office if it meant creating positive change for his community. He believes that being in a position of power requires a deep understanding of history and family connections, which he feels he needs to develop further.

What does Roy Alexander propose as a solution to corporate tax loopholes?

Roy suggests implementing stricter regulations on corporations and billionaires to prevent them from exploiting tax loopholes. He believes that these entities should be taxed more to ensure they contribute fairly to society.

Shownotes Transcript

Do you vote?

Setting Sun staff members from different backgrounds all answer one question: Does voting matter?  Discussion from both tribal and non-tribal backgrounds, tune in to find out why we vote!