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Introducing Nobody Should Believe Me

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You Probably Think This Story’s About You

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
安德莉亚·邓洛普:本播客讲述了我的姐姐因涉嫌对孩子进行代理型孟乔森综合征虐待而接受调查的故事,这对我的人生造成了巨大的影响。我将分享我的亲身经历,并试图揭开这个复杂问题的真相。虽然我不是医学专业人士,但我基于研究和自身经验,对代理型孟乔森综合征进行了深入探讨,并采访了Hope Ybarra及其家人,他们的故事与我的家庭有着惊人的相似之处。我希望能通过这个播客,找到答案,并帮助那些有类似经历的人。 罗宾·普切尔:作为Hope Ybarra的姐姐,我分享了她成长经历和患病过程。Hope从小就是一个负责任、完美的姐姐,但在高中时开始出现一系列健康问题,包括背部受伤、癫痫发作和瘫痪,这些问题最终被证实是虚构的。尽管如此,我们仍然深爱着她,并为她失去的“双胞胎”感到悲痛。 保罗·普切尔:作为Hope Ybarra的父亲,我讲述了我们发现Hope患病的过程。一开始我们没有注意到任何异常,直到她16岁从床上摔下来,导致背部受伤。之后她经历了长时间的治疗和康复,但医生始终无法找到病因。我们尽力照顾她,直到发现她怀孕和失去“双胞胎”的谎言,才意识到事情的真相。 尼克·普切尔:作为Hope Ybarra的弟弟,我分享了姐姐对我的影响。Hope是我的榜样,她激励我去上学,并一直很关心我。她的患病经历让我感到震惊和难过,但我也理解她所经历的痛苦。 法比安·伊巴拉:作为Hope Ybarra的丈夫,我讲述了我们婚姻和家庭生活中的问题。我认为我们并非相爱,只是试图维持婚姻。Hope的问题可能始于我们第二个孩子的出生,她对怀孕和失去“双胞胎”的谎言让我感到震惊和困惑。 美国精神病学协会(通过安德莉亚转述):自1980年以来,美国精神病学协会已将虚构障碍列为疾病,并区分了施加于自身和施加于他人的情况。对他人施加虚构障碍通常被称为代理型孟乔森综合征,这是一种虐待儿童的行为,其背后是寻求关注的适应不良应对机制。

Deep Dive

Andrea Dunlop, a novelist and mother, introduces her podcast exploring Munchausen by proxy (MBP), inspired by her sister's two investigations for this complex issue. She defines MBP, differentiating it from factitious disorder imposed on another and malingering, highlighting its significance as child abuse. Andrea's personal experience and the urgency to understand MBP while preparing for motherhood led her to write her novel, "We Came Here to Forget."
  • Andrea Dunlop's sister was investigated twice for Munchausen by proxy.
  • Munchausen by proxy is a form of child abuse where a caregiver fabricates, exaggerates, or induces illness in a child.
  • Andrea's novel, "We Came Here to Forget," is inspired by her family's story and explores the topic of Munchausen by proxy.

Shownotes Transcript

We meet accomplished novelist and loving mother Andrea Dunlop as she embarks on a journey to understand the series of events that tore her family apart. We learn that her older sister has been investigated twice for Munchausen by Proxy abuse, which inspired Andrea to learn everything she could about this complex and misunderstood issue. We see Andrea become captivated by the story of Hope Ybarra and go along with her to meet Hope’s father, sister, and brother: the first people Andrea has ever spoken to who’ve actually lived through a case. But can anything prepare Andrea for the truth?

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