cover of episode 《用英语·说中国》-岁寒三友松竹梅


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不论是海外求学,国际旅行,接待外宾还是跨境业务洽谈中,你是否满腹干货,想做中华文化使者,但又苦于无法用英文表达?语言,不仅能让你看到更广阔的世界也能让你在更大的舞台发出自己的声音。酒馆特别板块: China Story【用英语,说中国】,双语播出,适合不同段位的你。让我们一起,讲述有趣有料的中国故事。岁寒三友 The Three Friends of Winter时至岁末,万物冬藏。风雪之中,有几种植物挺霜而立、凌寒飘香,给寒冬增添别样的美丽,给人们带来绿色的希望。The Three Friends of Winter is an art motif that comprises the pine, bamboo, and plum. The Chinese celebrated the pine, bamboo and plum together, as they observed that these plants do not wither as the cold days deepen into the winter season unlike many other plants. Known by the Chinese as the Three Friends of Winter, they later entered the conventions of East Asian culture and Vietnamese culture. Together they symbolize steadfastness, perseverance, and resilience. They are highly regarded in Confucianism and as such represent the scholar-gentleman's ideal.严寒时节的三位友人,具体指松、竹、梅三种植物。在中国传统文化中,有些植物因其自然属性而被赋予某种人文蕴涵。松、竹四季常青,历冬不凋;梅花凌霜傲雪,美丽绽放。三者都不怕严寒,在严寒中展现自身的生命力和自然美,宛如在严寒中相伴生长的好友,故被世人合称为“岁寒三友”。在历代文人骚客的不尽吟咏之中,被赋予顽强刚毅、坚韧不拔、高洁坚贞等精神品格,点亮了中国人的精神世界。 When the famous intellectual Su Shi' was exile to Hubei. With help from a friend, he built a small residence on a parcel of land. Not only did he grow crops on the land, he also planted pine trees, bamboos and plum trees. 北宋大文豪苏东坡遭到权臣排挤,被贬至黄州(今湖北省黄冈县)。为了解决经济困难,苏东坡自己开垦了一片荒地,种植稻、麦、桑、枣等农作物。不久,他又在院子里种上松、柏、梅、竹等花木。When his friend visited him and asked Su whether he felt too lonely and isolated in the winter with no one around. 一次,朋友来看望他,见他的居所冷清萧瑟,便打趣地问他坐卧起居,满眼看见的都是雪,是不是太寂寞,太冷清?Su laughed that said:“风泉两部乐,松竹三益友。” how can I be lonely when everyday I enjoy the symphony of the breeze and babbling spring and the companionship of my three friends of winter;清风吹拂和泉水淙淙的声音就是两曲优美的音乐,枝叶常青的松柏、经历寒冬而不雕谢的竹子和傲雪绽放的梅花,便是相伴严冬最好的朋友。