cover of episode 豚门已有4.3亿信徒,主打一个情绪稳定,在哪都能随便“活一活”。


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欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Capybara. 今天的Buzzword里我们就来说说最近社交媒体上一个现象级的明星Capybara, 如果你没有听过这个词, then listen to this. 【Music】即使你不知道Capybara这个词, 听到刚才那段音乐你是不是也悟了?Just 2 months ago, if you ask me anything about capybara, I would have said “Capywho”?如果是两三个月前, 你跟我讲capybara, 我可能会一头雾水. But these days, I am knee-deep in saving cute capybara videos and searching for various capybara merch. 但现在我的手机里至少存了10段以上的可爱的capybara视频, 并且我的某宝搜索已经加车了不少capybara主题的周边. So what is capybara? Well, capybara is an animal. It's basically like a big guinea pig, Capybara就是被大家戏称为大耗子的水豚. And I'm sure not the only one addicted to these super chill animals. Videos containing the hashtag “capybara” have garnered over hundreds of millions of views on social media. 关于它的视频在全世界至少被播放了上亿次. How does it look like? Measuring about a meter long and weighing 50 kg on average, capybara has the barrel body shape of a pig, tiptoes around on its webbed feet, looks like an upsized guinea pig.Capybara水豚, 它一般有一米长, 大概50公斤左右的体重, 长得像一个筒形, 所以叫水豚嘛,因为有点像猪猪, 怎么看都怎么像一个大型的guinea pig, 就像一个大型的荷兰猪或者豚鼠. But what really sets it apart from other animals is that it exudes the nonchalance of a river stone. 但它最吸引人的是那种特别淡定, 处变不惊的气质, 英语里这个词nonchalance, 我觉得基本相对于我们说的一种 “死了活着都无所谓的气质”. Now I'm sure you've seen all these cute videos about capybara, but let me share with you some of the fun facts about the animal. 接下来就跟大家分享几个关于水豚的热知识. Fact one, capybaras are the largest rodents on earth. 它们是世界上最大的啮齿动物. On average, they weigh about 50kg, however, the biggest capybara ever recorded weighed a whopping 91kg. That's definitely comparable to a fully grown human being. So they're probably larger than you in measure. Fact two, they're pretty much the Semi-aquatic jack of all trades.Native to South America, capybaras like to be close to the water, hence can mainly be found near lake, swamps or rivers like the Amazon. 水豚是属于Semi-aquatic animals它们属于半水生的动物, 所以经常是在水域旁边出现.这种来自南美洲的动物, they are well adapted to stay both on land and in water.And on land, these furry creatures are surprisingly fast. They can reach a speed of up to 35 kilometers per hour.