"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" Hi everyone, and welcome back to Buzzword Mix. 欢迎回到我们的迷你双语板块【新词特饮】,短短几分钟让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资. In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Hangry. You’ve heard it right, not hungry, not angry, hangry. It's a combination of hungry and angry. So you probably can guess the meaning of hangry. Have you ever noticed that when you're really hungry, your tummy is rumbling. You are more likely to get angry, to lash out at unsuspecting loved ones or even innocent bystanders? 不知道你们有没有注意到, 当你饿着肚子的时候, 就很容易对身边的人发这种无名火. And this sudden, irrational rage is often referred to as “hanger”, a combo of hunger and anger. If you have hanger, you are hangry. 中文我觉得可以翻译成“饿到生气”. Now personally I have experienced that. For a period of time, I was having this no carb diet, and I was hungry all the time; and I had the worst temper, I would get angry for no particular reasons. 我个人可是体验过 hangry的感觉. 原来有段时间去做这种断碳饮食, 然后经常会饿, 然后脾气特别臭. Now you might think this is just a meme, a joke. 很多人可能觉得这个hangry就是一个梗.But actually now the experts are saying it is a very real thing. And the explanation they offer is when you haven't eaten for a while, the level of sugar glucose in your blood decreases. 当你饥饿到一定程度的时候, 你的血糖就会降低. When your blood sugar gets too low, it triggers a cascade of hormones, 这个时候就会触发你身体里的很多激素出现改变, including cortisol皮质醇, this is a stress hormone这是一个压力激素, and adrenaline 肾上腺素. And these hormones are released into your bloodstream to raise and rebalance your blood sugar. 因为血糖过低促使这些激素的分泌. Some of these hormones are related to anger and aggression. 而这些激素跟生气、攻击性都会有关. To be more specific, there are parts of our brains that help us control our emotions and regulate our behaviors. But if we have very low glucose level or blood sugar, this means the higher brain functions are not working as well as they could be. So there may be a breakdown in those higher brain functions that help us modulate primitive responses, therefore we start lashing out. 说得更具体一点, 其实就是我们的大脑负责管控情绪和行为的部分, 这些更高级的功能, 它需要血糖值达到一定的程度才能够正常运行; 而过度饥饿, 血糖值过低的时候, 这些大脑的高级功能就容易出现问题, 于是我们就会出现情绪失控的状态. Essentially, it's not just our bodies that run on food, it's our brains. When we don't have the critical glucose at the needed levels, mechanisms of self-control over aggression break down. 我们吃下去的东西不光是维持我们肢体的运行, 同样也在供给我们的脑, 而当血糖达不到我们的大脑所需要的量的时候, 我们对于自己aggression攻击性和愤怒的自控能力就会开始出现消减. So, when you’re hangry, you’re not just more prone to snap at somebody because you’re hungry on a physical level, you’re actually hungry on a cerebral level in your brains;And the deprivation is causing your reactive filters to blur if not shut down completely.所以当我们说我们hangry饿到生气的时候, 不光是说饿着肚子觉得很生气, 而更多的是大脑出现了饥饿, 而这种饥饿让我们降低了这种自控能力, 开始出现了更加原始的攻击性行为。And interestingly, researchers have also documented the hangry phenomenon in relationships. 其实有研究就表明饿到生气的现象也会影响亲密关系. A study on married couples found that the lower the participants' blood sugar level, the angrier and more aggressive they felt toward their partners.在夫妻相处之间, 当一方的血糖值越低, 他们就会对自己的伴侣展现更多的愤怒和攻击性.