"欢迎来到英文小酒馆的迷你双语板块【Buzzword Mix】-新词特饮,短短几分钟,让不同段位的你掌握最新最地道的英文谈资!关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,获取更多有趣节目内容和文稿哦~" In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Crowd Crush. Now I know a lot of people are still in shock about the tragic incidents that happened in Seoul a few days ago. 其实关于Crowd Crush, 我第一时间就已经做了一个短视频, 但是短视频的篇幅实在有限, 很多事情都没有办法具体讲. So I thought I would devote this buzzword episode to the concept of Crowd Crush. Again, we're not a news podcast, we're not gonna comment on news. Instead, we're gonna focus on sharing information, information that hopefully you will find useful should you ever find yourself in a dangerously dense crowd.Crowd crushes are catastrophic incidents that can occur when a body of people becomes dangerously overcrowded. Crowd Crush是由于人群的密度过大所导致的灾难性事件. 如果你没有经历过那种过密的人群, 可能很难想象 at this extreme density, a crowd can start to act like fluid, sweeping individuals around without their volition. 人群密度特别大的时候, 一个人群的流动形式就很像液体. 就好像是你在海水里, 浪打过来的时候, 你基本没有办法对自己的身体有任何的控制. Such incidents can occur at large gatherings such as sporting, commercial, social, and religious events. It can happen for all sorts of reasons. And a critical factor is crowd density rather than crowd size.造成这种Crowd Crush它的重点是人群密度, 而不是总人数. 中文里惯常会叫做 “踩踏事件”, 但英语里相关的事件你会看到三个不同的词, the first one is Crowd Collapse, 这个是指人群密度特别大, 所有的人都紧紧地挤在一起的时候. If a person falls, the support to those around is lost, while the pressure from those further out remains, causing people to fall into the void.一个人倒下, 本来塞得满满的人群中间就会出现一个void空洞, 这个时候后面的人也会掉进空洞, causing a bigger void. And people who have fallen are at risk of being smothered by the weight of bodies on top, or be trampled. 而倒下的人就很容易会有被踩踏的危险.