雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast

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Total: 1023

更多问题/每日朋友圈更新It must have 一定有The reality of current life 现实生活Sleep pretty well 睡得好

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新Help me a lot 帮助我很多She is smart and she is filled with wisdom 充满智慧Deal with 处理She is the

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新Plenty of freedom 大量业余时间Almost all day long 几乎一整天A book means a whole afternoon 一下午看完一本书

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新Deal with my part time job 处理我的兼职工作内容My life is full of colors 生活精彩Boring life/ I feel b

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新Stay fit 保持身材Working performances 工作表现Be more patient at work 工作更有耐心Stay focused on 集中注意

更多问题/每日朋友圈更新Jogging and slow walk慢跑和散步Lose weight 减体重Accidentally 偶然间Perfect body shape 完美身材



1. 口语写作题目基本确定范围 用最新题库去练习 注意甄别2. 听力阅读临近考前3-4周 尽量做套题 掐时间是核心3. 每天分布复习

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新I did it very often in life 小时候经常这样Just liked to do it 就是喜欢啊Blame on me 责备我In the open a

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新Sit in somewhere 在坐着After the lunch time 午餐之后Deal with 处理It is not allowed to do so 不允许这

更多文本 每日朋友圈更新Yeah sure 是啊 咋的Learn something one or two 学点东西Almost 8 hours each day 每天几乎八小时Sit in some

1. 审题 找对限制条件 adj/adv+pre+定语     e.g. only+in/on+students who are at school2. 看逻辑说服力 e

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新My body shape 我的身材Overweight and suffer from obesity problem 体重大一直为肥胖困扰Give up 放弃Look mu

1.临近或者当天 e.g. 周五周六or周六周日or周六当天2.拉开时间差 e.g. 周一周六 3.考试时间以准考证为主(有偏差)

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新Sit in my car 坐车里呆着The noisy environment 吵闹点的环境Think about something 思考一些东西Rest my mind

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新Give enough space 留有足够空间Think or make decisions 思考或做决定No matter what they do, no matter

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新Listen to music 听歌Watch videos 看视频Make phone calls 打电话Lying on bed all day long 躺平一整天

1. 听不懂问题(紧张和听不懂是两码事儿)2. 模板痕迹严重第二部分 故事内容相同没什么+但表达要有区别3. 反差巨大 听问题+回答流利

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新After a hard day of study 学习之余Come to them 找到他们Share the same interests 分享爱好The problem

更多文本/每日朋友圈更新Pork, beef and muffin 猪牛羊肉Something cheap or inexpensive 不贵的东西Old people are big fan of