cover of episode (4774期)描述别人送的衣服Describe the clothes someone gave you

(4774期)描述别人送的衣服Describe the clothes someone gave you

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雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast

参与Triple Click播客,讨论RPG游戏党员设定。
Jason: 朋友送给我一件衣服作为生日礼物,这件衣服给我留下了深刻的印象。它来自国际品牌,价格比较昂贵,大约3000元左右。衣服的颜色是我非常喜欢的金属红蓝相间色,非常特别和独特。收到这件衣服的时候,我感到非常惊喜,因为我没有想到朋友会花这么多钱给我买礼物。 我觉得礼物的价格并不重要,重要的是朋友表达的爱意和这份心意。这份爱是朋友之间纯洁的友谊,而不是恋人之间的爱情。朋友是在我生日前的两天送给我这份礼物的,那天阳光明媚,我们一起在咖啡厅见面,她把礼物交到我手上,我非常开心。 更重要的是,我意识到我在朋友心中的重要性。朋友告诉我,她为了挑选这份礼物,花了三个多星期的时间,从蛋糕到衣服,从鞋子到裤子,她尝试了各种各样的选择,最终才选定了这件衣服。 这件衣服已经陪伴我五年多了,我经常穿着它。它对我来说意义非凡,不仅在于它的价格,更在于它背后所蕴含的深厚情谊。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the significance of the gift given by the speaker's best friend?

The gift was a jacket from an international brand, costing over 3000 yuan, given as a birthday gift. It was significant not just because of its price, but because it symbolized the deep friendship and love between the speaker and her best friend. The speaker was particularly touched by the effort her friend put into selecting the perfect gift, spending over three weeks to find something suitable.

Why was the color of the jacket memorable to the speaker?

The jacket featured a unique combination of metallic red and blue, which are the speaker's favorite colors. This specific color combination made the jacket very special and unique to the speaker, enhancing its sentimental value.

How did the speaker feel about the price of the gift?

While the speaker acknowledged that the jacket was expensive, costing over 3000 yuan, she emphasized that the price was not the most important aspect. What mattered more was the thought and effort her friend put into choosing the gift, which demonstrated the depth of their friendship.

What did the speaker learn about her importance to her friend through this gift?

The speaker realized how important she was to her friend when she learned that her friend had spent over three weeks selecting the perfect gift. This effort showed the speaker that she held a significant place in her friend's heart, beyond just the monetary value of the gift.

How long has the speaker had the gift, and how does she use it?

The speaker has had the gift for over five years and still wears it regularly. She values the gift not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for the emotional significance it holds, making it a cherished part of her wardrobe.

Shownotes Transcript

那雅思考一星周刊每月都去考一场我是每个月参加一场考试 Jason 大家好那今天的话题描述别人送的衣服这是第二部分的一个题目 Describe the clothes someone gave you

那说到这个话题呢通常会作为我的开头 speaking of the topic 就这个话题而言我也可以说提到这个话题 mention about the topic 提到这个话题也行 a piece of clothes 一件衣服 that my best friend gave me 我知道我的朋友给我的这件衣服啊 it's a birthday gift 所谓生日礼物那件衣服看这句话显然条件

A piece of clothes that my best friend gave me 我朋友给我的一件衣服 As a birthday gift 作为一个生日礼物给我的一件衣服对不对 Was quite impressive 真的印象深刻 Impressive 这个词特别好用说的就是印象深刻对不对如果你觉得这句话非常难说你就撑开给他拆开 A piece of clothes my best friend gave to meIt's my birthday giftAnd it was very impressive 拆开也行 She spent like more than 3000 yuan on it 她花了 3000 块钱

三千多块钱 modern 3000 元或者 3000 moreon the special clothes 在这件衣服上 a bit expensive 我觉得有点贵你可以说 a little 也可以说 a bita bit 会多一点 from the international brand 来自国际大牌是吧 global brandinternational brand 全球大牌 just a jacket 就是一件上衣啊

The color was my favorite 颜色是我喜欢的你可以说 The color is my cup of tea 也行注意事态 Metallic red and blue 就是那种金属灰色和蓝色相间的就是比如一个颜色硬一个颜色对吧这种相间的 Very special and unique 非常特别独一无二 Unique 独一无二重新往前靠不是 uniqueUniqueThe candy blue and metallic redcould be my favorite color 这两颜色是我最喜欢的 Very impressive 特别好看啊

我记得呢 my 22nd birthday 就是那是我什么 22 岁的生日 my best friend gave to me 我朋友把他给到我了 just as a birthday gift 像上面开头说道理啊就是生日礼物嘛 a big surprise 超级大惊喜 a super surprise 就是一个超级大惊喜 I didn't realize that 我都没有想到没有意识到 realize 这个词 I didn't think I didn't realize that she would spend more than3000 on my birthday gift 我的生日可能花 3000 块钱

我没想到她愿意花三千多块钱是不是买我一礼物我真的觉得超级意大利已经写 big surprise 我又说了一次 one more time 又说了一次 in my mind 在我看来你可以说 for my part for me personally 都行 in my mind 也行我很差这句话很差 the price was not important 价格不重要不重要 but it showed me how she loved me 这就展现出来她有多爱我是不是朋友之间这种爱很差的一句话

I mean the love is just from friends 来自朋友之间的爱对不对 It has got to do something with 与什么什么有关 It's about 与什么什么有关 It has got to do something with a friendship 就是友情这种的 Not the love from lovers 不是这个爱人之间那种爱情对不对 That was a sunny afternoon 一个晴朗的下午对不对 Two days before my birthday 过生日头两天

谁杀总给我电话给我打的电话啊没的风口也行啊给你没风口也行然后呢 then we met up in the coffee shop 咖啡厅聚一聚对不对 meet up met up 过去是吗 and it gave to some front of me then 这里 500 万块钱了 be in front of 在什么什么面前 i was really happy about it 超开心的 and more importantly 更重要的是什么啊我可以这样说 i realized that how important i was in her heart 我在心里有多重要哈哈

She told me that she spent like more than three weeks long time 她花了三周的时间对不对 more than three weeks long timeJust tried to find outJust tried to find out 就是为了什么去找到一个适合我的礼物那适合我的礼物可以怎么说呀 Just tried to find out 就是说去为了找到一个什么 a proper gift to me 也就是适合我的一个礼物就可能对我来说比较适合的呀这种所以我觉得还挺用心的对吧非常用心不是说那种忽忽悠悠的随便给你一个礼物


就是这件衣服找到她了什么意思啊就是她选到这件衣服了到现在为止呢就这个礼物现在陪了五年了对不对我也经常会穿它或者 wear 一些都行对不对

我想在哪穿在哪穿对不对一个衔接句我跟你讲了我告诉你了对我来说真的很重要这个礼物对吧很珍贵不仅是价格还有背后的含义那就这样 OK 我们看一下纯英文版本如何来说一个长速版一个慢速版

说到这个题目,我最好的朋友给我的一件衣服是一个生日礼物,非常令人印象深刻。她花了约 3000 元,在国际品牌的一件衣服中,很费用。衣服的颜色是我最喜欢的,是金黄和青,非常特别和有特点。金黄和青是我最喜欢的颜色,非常非常印象深刻。

我记得那是我的 22 周生日,我的最好的朋友给了我,你知道,就像生日礼物,它像是个大惊喜,我没有认为她会花更多于 3000 元在我的特殊礼物上。





你知道,就像生日禮物,它像是一個大驚喜。我沒有意識到她會花超過 3000 元在我的生日中送給我特別的禮物。在我的心裡,大驚喜是沒有重要的。但它給我看出了她愛我的方式。我意思是愛是來自朋友,你知道嗎?這跟友誼有關,不是愛愛愛。



那在结尾 Jason 说到其实他真的很特别对不对就是他的这个 price 价格很特别挺贵的而且他这个 meaning 背后的含义也很好一个生日礼物对吧五年了还穿着呢按中文思路这样说人家说描述别人送的礼物

那我说到这个话题呢我想说的是之前过生日的时候好朋友送给我的一个礼物印象特别深刻啊大概花了 3000 多块钱这个价格挺深刻的对吧有点贵而且是一个国际大牌就是一个 jacket 一个上衣啊这个颜色挺特别的是我喜欢的是那种金属灰色那种灰色和蓝色的一个相间那非常非常特别因为那种浅蓝色天蓝色和金属灰色我最喜欢的那我觉得印象很深刻

我记得那是我 22 岁的生日然后呢我的好朋友就把它给我了作为一个生日礼物就是真的是一个超级大惊喜啊我没想到他会花 3000 块钱给我买一礼物超级大的惊喜在我看来呢价格其实不是那么重要有点差我有点差价格不太重要但能展示出来特别的一个爱吧对不对这种爱不是说那种爱人之间就是朋友之间的这种对不对虽然是异性朋友



好那看一下今天小细节啊首先作为生日礼物送我的 My best friend gave me 可以说把这个给到我的对不对 As a birthday gift 你也可以说呢 My best friend gave to meAs a birthday gift 也行那国际大牌呢 From the international brand 对吧国际大牌价格不重要心意最重要 The price was not importantBut it showed me how she loved me 很差的一句话是吧生日前两天呢 Two days before my birthday

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