cover of episode Vol.256 访谈|王男:参演《喜人奇妙夜》,我可不是只会瞪眼珠子

Vol.256 访谈|王男:参演《喜人奇妙夜》,我可不是只会瞪眼珠子

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王男: 本期节目主要围绕我在《喜人奇妙夜》的参演经历展开,包括单人组队参赛的原因、作品《工作的她》的创作过程、担任助演的感受以及对其他演员和节目的看法。我分享了创作《工作的她》的灵感来源,以及在表演中如何融入个人情感和生活体验,并解释了为什么选择单人参赛以及在助演过程中如何塑造不同角色,避免脸谱化。我还谈到了对一些负面评价的看法,以及对未来职业发展的规划。 在节目中,我坦诚地分享了在《喜人奇妙夜》期间的感受,包括创作过程中的压力、与其他演员的合作以及对节目的整体评价。我表达了对一些优秀演员的敬佩之情,并分享了在节目中与其他演员建立的深厚友谊。 最后,我表达了对未来继续参加《喜人奇妙夜》的意愿,并对下一季的参赛方式进行了展望。 郑捕头: 本期节目采访了喜剧演员王男,她分享了在《喜人奇妙夜》中的参演经历,包括单人组队参赛、作品创作、助演经历、对其他演员的评价以及对节目的整体感受。节目中,王男详细讲述了创作《工作的她》的灵感来源、创作过程以及表演技巧,并分享了在节目中与其他演员的合作经历和感受。此外,节目还探讨了王男的个人喜剧之路、对未来职业发展的规划以及对网络评论的看法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Wang Nan choose to participate in 'Xi Ren Qi Miao Ye' as a solo contestant?

Wang Nan initially considered not participating due to self-doubt, but her PD encouraged her. She decided to join after realizing her travel expenses for a Beijing ad shoot would be covered. She ended up solo because most contestants had already formed groups by the time she joined, and her initial partnership was dissolved after poor performance in early rounds.

How did Wang Nan develop the concept for her solo performance 'The Working Her'?

The concept for 'The Working Her' was inspired by Wang Nan's own feelings of frustration from 'ineffective work' during her time at Miwei. She initially wrote a draft focusing on her emotional state, but the director suggested adding more workplace experiences, which were contributed by Miwei's staff who shared their own workplace struggles.

What challenges did Wang Nan face while performing 'The Working Her'?

Wang Nan faced challenges with the blackout technique used in 'The Working Her,' as it disrupted the audience's emotional engagement. Additionally, the stage lighting wasn't completely dark during blackouts, making her transitions visible and potentially breaking the immersion for the audience.

How did Wang Nan feel about her score for 'The Working Her'?

Wang Nan was satisfied with her performance despite the score being lower than expected. She acknowledged that the blackout technique affected the audience's experience, but she was happy with her execution and the positive feedback she received online.

Why did Wang Nan cry frequently during the 'Xi Ren Qi Miao Ye' program?

Wang Nan cried frequently due to the emotional intensity of the experience. She felt overwhelmed by the support and opportunities she received, especially after being eliminated and then offered a chance to stay as a supporting actor. Her tears were often a response to the kindness and camaraderie she experienced.

What is Wang Nan's perspective on her future in comedy and acting?

Wang Nan is open to exploring various genres, including drama and tragedy, but currently, most offers she receives are for comedy roles. She believes in the importance of being recognized for her work and is willing to take on any role that challenges her and allows her to grow as an actor.

Would Wang Nan participate in the next season of 'Xi Ren Qi Miao Ye'?

Wang Nan expressed a strong desire to participate in the next season, but she is unlikely to compete solo again. She believes having a partner is crucial for sustaining her performance and creativity over the long term.

  • 王男单人参赛《喜人奇妙夜》
  • 王男在《喜人奇妙夜》中担任助演12个节目
  • 王男的单人作品《工作的她》

Shownotes Transcript

本期嘉宾:王男。喜剧演员,《喜人奇妙夜》《喜剧大会》卡司,出演《工作的她》《尤利娅 别哭》等作品,微博@HAHA王男 你看过《喜人奇妙夜》里的作品《工作的她》吗?那位几乎全程独幕出演的女性喜剧人,就是王男。 《工作的她》里的打工人女主,演绎的明明是喜剧,很多地方都夸张有趣,但更多扎心的话还是能把牛马们看得不止于笑。其实,喜剧人王男真正坐班的经历并不多,那她是怎么演绎这段打工人辛酸史的呢? 除了主演,在整个《喜人奇妙夜》上,王男助演的节目高达12个,有时候连台词都没有,但还是给观众留下深刻印象。对于这么多的角色,她又是怎么区别塑造的呢?还有,在这个喜剧舞台上,王男为什么总是泪水涟涟?

在本期节目中你会听到: 1.你是怎么和《喜人奇妙夜》节目组取得联系的?为什么选择单人参赛?《工作的她》你是主演和编剧,这个作品是怎么来的? 2.《工作的她》表演时的现场效果和得分,符合你的预期吗? 3.没能晋级对你的打击大吗?你是怎么获得机会当助演的?当时有没有想过,当助演一定要当成闫佩伦那样? 4.在《喜人》舞台上,你一共给多少个节目当过助演?哪几个你印象最深?助演的这些角色,你觉得有没有被脸谱化? 5.怎么看一个作品演员越来越多这种情况?要不要评论评论其他演员?比如合作多次的三位女性“莎全莎美”,还有“九条命”的其他几位成员? 6.从镜头上看你特别爱哭,在节目组你真的哭过很多次吗?“喜剧监狱”这半年,对你来说意味着什么? 7.你是怎么走上喜剧表演道路的?《喜人》明年再办的话,你还参加吗?还会单人参赛吗? 节目索引: 08:56 当时我正好要去北京拍广告,这一参加《喜人》,差旅费不就给报了吗? 19:52 宫斗跟职场其实挺像,而且我平时很喜欢《甄嬛传》,所以就加进了表演 26:24 《工作的她》是不是分数低了?其实我还挺开心的 34:51 能当助演是万幸中的万幸,但最早的时候我每天都在内耗 45:21 演《尤利娅 别哭》我完全没有台词,只用语气词出演 53:12 我崇拜“莎全沙美”三姐妹这样的演技派,她们是一点点累积过来的 1:07:23 我真的很高兴,能在这里遇到这么多很纯粹的人 1:17:32 我只能反向安慰自己:靠瞪眼珠子被人记住,也是一种能力了 1:21:34 明年我90%不会单人参赛,因为搭档对我来说很重要 本期主持人:郑捕头 本期剪辑:郑捕头 封面设计:杨明 相关素材:《工作的她》《最后一站》《职场变形记》《尤利娅 别哭》节目片段,《花桥》音乐片段 “西四五条”是一档文艺评论及访谈类播客节目,各大音频平台均可收听。欢迎订阅,欢迎留言。 进听友群或业务联系微信:xisiwutiaofm