cover of episode Science of Success: The Nvidia CEO’s Lessons in Building a $1T Company

Science of Success: The Nvidia CEO’s Lessons in Building a $1T Company

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WSJ’s The Future of Everything

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Amazon q business is the generate A I assistant from A W S, because business can be slow, like waiting through mud, but amazon q helps streamline work, so tasks like some mary zing monthly results can be done in no time. Learn what amazon q business can for you at A M high .

future of everything liers. I'm been cohen and I write the science of success column here at the wall street journal. We're trying something new and bring you a new feature based on my column. Take a listen and let us know what you think drop line to F O E podcast at W S J dot com. When he SAT down in a booth at his local danny and began plotted out the business that would change his life, jenson wong did not know where his startup would be thirty years down the line and if he had known, he never we've done IT IT is official in video is the first chip company to hit a one trillion dollar market value .

and video is on fire being over trillion dollars um in market cap. Now the microchip maker briefly entered record breaking territory. Only four companies in history have ever passed one trillion dollars in value according to their stock Price today, and video became the fifth.

In video was the most successful company of twenty twenty three. The only other companies worth one trillion dollars are household names like apple, microsoft, amazon and google, parent alphabet in video. In video is a name that looks like someone fell asleep on a keyboard, but the chips that in video makes have become fuel for the AI boom.

And now in video is worth more than netflix, niki and novo nordisk combined. IT tripled in value last year. IT beat every other company in the S.

M. P. Five hundred. In fact, NVIDIA had the single best year of any major stock in the past decade.

So why wouldn't Jason wong do IT all again from the wall story journal? This is the science of success, a look at how today's success could lead to tomorrow's innovation. I'm then coin.

I read a colum for the journal about how people, ideas and teams work and when they thrive. And video has been around for thirty years, but last year was the year that he really took off. That's because there has never been so much demand for gp, us or graphics processing units.

These are the advanced chips that provide oxygen for artificial intelligence. They're responsible for basically every piece of technology the nerdish person, you know, is really cacked about. And the supply of those AI chips is controlled by invidia.

Jenson wong is the only chief executive officer in nvidia's history. He could found the company in a Denny's booth with Chris Melody y and curtis prime in ninety ninety three in video, started out making chips to process three d graphics for marketing materials and video games. In one nine hundred and ninety nine in video started getting into GPU.

You might remember computer games like counter strike or the ability to stay what? You may not know, is that in video, G, P, U, are what made images in games like these, crisper and less choppy. Back then, hung didn't see the AI boom coming in videos.

GPU were used for graphics, but today these GPU help train A I in everything from autonomists driving to the large language models behind ChatGPT. AI models require tens of thousands of these chips that can handle lots of computational tasks at the same time, which means billions of dollars in revenue. According to the company, more than forty thousand companies use in videos technology, and IT has become in indispensable to the most valuable corners of the economy.

We are the world's engine for A I.

That's the man himself, jenson wang g. In an interview with cnbc, and his statement helps us understand the success of this company in its current stock Price, but huang has said, if he knew then what he knows now, even standing on the mountain of success, he never would have started climbing. He might have simply turned back to his super bird turkey y sandwich and dinner coffee and gone on with his day. We find out more about what made hong the CEO he is today and what that means for the tech entrepreneurs of tomorrow. That's after the break.

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Jenson lung has been on the jobs since mark zuker berg was in elementary school. He has silicon valleys longest ten years. C.

E. O. He has silver hair. He wears a signature black leather jacket. He even got invidious spiral eye logo tattooed on his spicer, but the reason he's flexing today is because he had no idea how difficult the road to success would be when he started. He recently told the host of the acquired podcast.

if we realized the pain and suffering and just a vulnerable you you're gonna feel and the chAllenges that you're gonna dance, the embarrassing and the shame, and, you know, the list of all of the things that that go wrong, I don't think anybody would start company. Nobody in their right line would do that. And I think that that's kind of the superpower of an entrepreneur.

Basically, ignorance is not just bliss. It's a huge advantage to any entrepreneur. Every time that invidia embarks on some new project that seems impossible, hong tricks is brain into thinking, how hard could IT be? I spoke with the hosts of the acquired podcast who scored their exclusive interview after many hours of very thorough and an extremely monkey coverage of invidia.

Seriously, these guys might know more about nvidia's history than anyone who did not live through IT. They told me that company is him. He does everything but sweep the floors. And he may sweep the floors, but it's not just his ignorance or his diligence that got in video where IT is today. The other major key to hong's success is that he's not afraid of making really big bets.

In fact, he's bet the company on three different occasions after the company released its first product, a graphics card that flopped, hung layoff f half the workforce running out of money, teetering on the edge of bankrupcy. He bet the company on the nineteen ninety seven ship that would save in video, but the decade after hongs company went public in one thousand and ninety nine, would bring two more brutal stretches during the dark combust. And the global financial crisis, even when markets riled and video didn't, from two thousand and eight to two thousand thirteen, when the S.

M. P. Five hundred was up twenty five percent NVIDIA stock was down fifty percent invidia stagnated as hong cloud money into a new platform for accelerated computing, one that would developers to do anything they wanted with GPU.

And the group of people who really pick this up, A I researchers, they used in video chips to train neural networks. And then he decided to put his chips on the table again. The initial breakthrough is in deep learning, compelled wong to make another Better company move on A I in two thousand twelve, and video began work on the system that would become its first A I supercomputer.

Huang delivered IT four years later to OpenAI, whose researchers would use and videos G, P. Use to educate ChatGPT, which became the host APP in tech history when IT was released in twenty twenty two. Jenson wang is the billion CEO of a trillion dollar company today.

Who are the entrepreneurs of tomorrow? Sitting in their own metaphor, Dennis, dreaming about building their own companies and blissfully unaware of how hard is going to be, because, really, how hard could IT be. And that's the science of success.

This episode was produced by charlik garden burg. I'm been coin. Be sure to check out my column on W S. J. com. And if you like the show, tell your friends and leave us a five star review on your favorite platform. Thanks for listening.

Amazon q business is the new generative A I assistant from A W S, because many tasks can make business slow, as if waiting through .

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