cover of episode Turmoil in Seoul: What We Know

Turmoil in Seoul: What We Know

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WSJ What’s News

Luke Vargas
Matt Barnum
Noemi Bessert
Timothy Martin
Luke Vargas: 本期节目主要关注美国总统特朗普考虑更换国防部长人选,韩国总统尹锡悦面临弹劾,以及法国政府面临不信任投票等事件。这些事件都反映了当前国际政治局势的不稳定性。 特朗普考虑用佛罗里达州州长德桑蒂斯取代五角大楼的提名人皮特·希格塞斯,原因是希格塞斯面临性侵犯和其他指控。这一事件突显了美国政治中的党派斗争和社会问题。 韩国总统尹锡悦宣布戒严令后,韩国议会迅速投票撤销了这一紧急措施,反对党提交了弹劾动议。这一事件反映了韩国国内政治的紧张局势和民众对戒严令的强烈反对。 法国政府面临由极右翼反对派领导人勒庞发起的信任投票,这将考验勒庞是否具备执政能力,并可能对法国的政治和经济稳定造成影响。 此外,美国学生的数学和科学成绩在国际排名中下降,这反映了美国教育面临的挑战。 Timothy Martin: 尹锡悦总统宣布戒严令的原因尚不明确,这引发了广泛的猜测。尹锡悦政府的这一举动激怒了许多韩国民众,因为他们对韩国历史上军事统治的痛苦记忆犹新。尹锡悦面临弹劾,这将对韩国的政治格局和韩美关系产生重大影响。 Noemi Bessert: 法国政府正试图解决巨额赤字问题,为此增加税收并削减开支。勒庞领导的反对党则试图保护法国工薪阶层的购买力。这次不信任投票将考验勒庞的执政能力,并可能对法国的政治和经济稳定造成影响。 Matt Barnum: 美国学生的数学和科学成绩在国际排名中下降,这与疫情和学校面临的挑战有关。教师流动率上升,学生旷课和行为问题增多,这些都对学生的学习成绩造成了负面影响。

Deep Dive

Donald Trump is considering replacing his Pentagon nominee, Pete Hegseth, with Ron DeSantis amid scrutiny over allegations against Hegseth. Other Trump appointees have faced similar challenges. This follows the withdrawal of Matt Gaetz from consideration for attorney general and Chad Chronister from the DEA due to allegations.
  • Donald Trump is considering replacing his Pentagon nominee, Pete Hegseth, with Ron DeSantis.
  • Republican senators have expressed concerns over allegations against Hegseth.
  • Other Trump appointees have withdrawn from consideration due to allegations.

Shownotes Transcript

A.M. Edition for Dec. 4. A day after declaring martial law, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol is facing the prospect of impeachment). The WSJ’s Timothy Martin) helps us make sense of a historic 24 hours. Plus, with Donald Trump’s choice of Pete Hegseth to run the Pentagon facing mounting scrutiny, the president-elect mulls replacing him) with Gov. Ron DeSantis. And Marine Le Pen prepares to square off) with France’s government and markets in a no-confidence vote today. Luke Vargas hosts.

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