Worldwide Exchange delivers essential, actionable information and analysis for anyone who wants to b
Big morning for the markets—we speak with Fundstrat’s Tom Lee about his oil calls and how crude is r
The Dow has made its fourth 1-thousand point gain this year, climbing up to 34,000. We look at where
Retail is bouncing back across the country. We speak with Stacey Widlitz about the space. Plus, Delt
We discuss the broader implications of the pause on J&J’s Covid-19 vaccine with a voting member of t
Ant Financial is facing a company overhaul from Beijing. Our own arjun Kharpal has the latest. Plus,
PIMCO's Libby Cantrill discusses how the Biden administration will pay for the massive infrastructur
The Masters are teeing off—we discuss what the tournament will look like in Augusta this year with D
Small business closures have risen since the peak of the pandemic. We discuss with Small Business Ro
Southeast Asian ride-hailing and delivery company Grab is said to be in talks to go public through a
The latest on the Archegos Capital scandal, with Credit Suisse shaking up the management ranks and t
Biden has released his infrastructure plan. We discuss the impact to companies and sectors with Kath
“Worldwide Exchange” delivers essential, actionable information and analysis for anyone who wants to
Rates continue to hit highs. We speak with Catherine Faddis and Nancy Tengler about the impact to st
We discuss the fallout of the Archegos margin call for stocks and the legacy of hedge funds. Plus, t
Top market watcher Clay Seigle of Vortexa discusses the impact the traffic jam in the Suez Canal cau
The Ever Given ship could take weeks to get unstuck. We discuss what the situation in the Suez means
The large container ship called the Ever Given has been stuck in the Suez Canal for over 24 hours. W
A large tanker has blocked the Suez Canal. We discuss what it means for an already constrained shipp
New Street Advisors’ founder Delano Saporu discusses the impact additional stimulus spending could h
The AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine has been found to be 79% effective in a U.S. study. We discuss what