cover of episode TIP 2182 – Children and Suicide

TIP 2182 – Children and Suicide

logo of podcast Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Shownotes Transcript

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Children do not attempt or die by suicide

False. In fact, 3% of our children are suicidal at any given time and our rates are increasing among our youth. It is the second leading cause of death among our children ages 15-19 and studies show that 1 in 7 students have seriously considered suicide.

Identifying those children at risk for suicide can be problematic in that communication skills may be limited, emotional development may lead to spur of the moment decision-making, and support networks limited.

It is estimated that about 80% of people give some sort of clue that they are considering suicide. Behaviourally, children may give away their prize possessions, or they may lose interest in their hobbies, activities, school-work and friends.

Verbally, children may communicate a sense of hopelessness around their situation, self-hate or self-esteem statements such as ‘everyone would be better off without me around’, or they may express more physical complaints.

Though most people give some sort of clue, it is important to remember that it is not a family member’s ‘fault’ if that clue is not recognized or given significance at that time. There is not a parent out there who is superhuman, totally tuned in, and able to tell the future.

Take One Action Today To Build #Resiliency!     

Giving support, providing information and alternatives, and finding the appropriate helping strategy is not easy but resources are available.

Children do die by suicide even in the most supported situations. However, as caregivers and parents we can look for the clues and not be afraid to address the issue of suicide.

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