cover of episode TIP 2167 – Just Because

TIP 2167 – Just Because

logo of podcast Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Shownotes Transcript

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Do you over plan?

Do you get stuck in the details rather than getting down to it?

While planning is important, so is being mentally agile. Being mentally agile is being able to shift and turn in a different direction when a challenge or opportunity arises. It is not about going after the next shiny object, but rather being flexible and able to go with the flow of the day.

Practicing spontaneity keeps you mentally agile and it can be beneficial to your mood and well-being.

Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!     

Here are today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Just Because Day:

This day is a chance to do something without rhyme or reason. To be spontaneous. Just Because.

So what kinds of things can you do…Just because?

Go for a walk

Have an ice cream cone

Stay in your pj’s

Dress to the nines

Buy a friend some flowers

Call a friend just to say hi

Watch puppy videos

Spontaneous people tend to not stress out over much and tend to be happier.

Spontaneous people make the best of every situation they face, and take full advantage of everything life has to offer. They understand that life goes on, whether it goes as planned or not.

They’re less disappointed when things don’t turn out the way they expected, as they will simply move on to whatever life has in store for them next.

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