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I have done it. And I have watched others do it. You get caught up or too busy and you stop paying attention to what is right in front of you and BOOM, you walk right into that wall, post, or obstacle.
Injuries are one of the leading causes of death for those ages 1 to 44. The good news is there are many things people can do to stay safe and prevent injuries. Hazards exist, but creating a culture of safety protects and defends against those hazards.
Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!
Here Are Today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating National Safety Month at your workplace:
What is the No. 2 cause of nonfatal disabling injury, in the workplace, following overexertion? Is it
Improper use of protective equipment
Improper ergonomics or
Slips, trips and falls
You guessed it, it is slips, trips and falls.
In your workplace, look to bring additional awareness to these hazards during the Safety Month by:
Holding a safety trivia contest
Making an activity out of identifying hazards where you work and live
Hosting a safety fair, lunch 'n learn or celebratory luncheon
Provide additional safety training
Finally, stay safe by being more aware of your surroundings. Be present and get rid of distractions.
Remember, If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more ways to build your resiliency? Take my free on-line resiliency test at under the resources and courses tab.
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