Listen to today's podcast...
Are you a 9 to 5er or are you a night shifter?
Or do you work from home?
Whatever your schedule, the key is making it and your life work together in harmony.
It is not about work life balance, but about life satisfaction. Are you satisfied with all of the different aspects of your life?
Are you spending the right mix of time and energy on each area so that you are feeling fulfilled and complete’ If not, it may be time to look over your commitments, including your work schedule and deciding if it needs to be tweaked.
Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency Here are today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Revise Your Work Schedule Month:
This month reflect on how to best achieve balance between your job, your commitments, and free time.
Now is the time to take a hard look at the time we’re actually spending in each of these areas of our life and truly evaluating how satisfied we are with them.
We have the ability to work from more places, more times of the day, using more devices than we ever have before. The key is to take control of our time and make active choices about how we spend that time.
I am not suggesting that you quit your job, but maybe a small tweak to when you start, when you leave or when you shut your technology off for the night, may have a big impact on your life satisfaction and energy. Something to consider.
Remember, If you like the tips in this briefing, please leave me a review on amazon or in your #alexa app.
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