cover of episode TIP 2047 - Make Sure You Stay Safe

TIP 2047 - Make Sure You Stay Safe

logo of podcast Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

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Part of spring cleaning is tackling your cupboards and drawers.  Well how about that medicine cupboard? Do You Know About Medication Safety?

I know that mine had been neglected when I found a jar of Vicks medicated rub from when I was a kid.  Yes, that was a long time ago and yes, it was about time that it was thrown out.  I have no idea if that stuff ever goes bad, but I probably should have thrown it out years ago.  I have carted it from my bedroom, to my residence room, to my first apartment, and then from one home to the next with my family.

Medication errors are said to affect at least 1.5 million Canadians per year according to the Canadian Institute for Health Information.  And those mistakes can be disastrous.

Medication safety isn’t just about an expiry date.  It’s about safe storage.  Knowing what medications may interact with other medications, food and supplements. It’s about telling your doctor about any side effects you may have had from previous prescriptions and what supplements or over-the-counter medications you may be taking.

Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!      Here are today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Medication Safety Week:

Check your prescriptions periodically for expiration dates

Don’t share medicines with friends or family

Dispose of medications properly. Most pharmacies will take your old drugs for proper disposal. Avoid putting them in trashcans or into the toilet

Remember that the term “natural” does not necessarily mean “safe”.  Treat all supplements and herbal remedies with the same respect as you would any prescribed medications

 Make Sure That Your Family Stays Safe And Healthy

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