cover of episode TIP 1943 – Sugary Sweet

TIP 1943 – Sugary Sweet

logo of podcast Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Shownotes Transcript

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Could you go without eating refined sugar for even one day?

Eating well and maintaining energy throughout the day can be a difficult feat in today’s busy workplaces.  When we are time-pressured, we tend to make poor nutritional choices.  Often, we skip lunch and grab for a soft drink, a cup of caffeine or an energy drink to keep us going. 

These poor food choices can promote obesity, illness and negatively impact productivity. 

Companies are looking for simple ways to promote health and support healthier nutrition. 

Some are adding vending machines that have more healthy choices and others have taken a harsher stance and eliminated the “pop and chip” machines altogether. 

Some company cafeterias have added a premium fee to “fast food” items or subsidized healthy meals and snacks. 

Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!      So here are Today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Sugar Awareness Week:

Examining the nutritional needs and habits of your employees makes good business sense.  When designing your workplace wellness program, look for ways to educate, support behaviour changes and promote a healthier environment. 

The results may not just be reduced waist sizes and decreased benefits usage, but more engaged and productive employees.

Looking for resources to build your healthy workplace? Check out my top 10 tips under Resources and Courses at

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