The huge Amazon Alexa hit Word of the Day is now available as a podcast! Word of the Day teaches yo
Bildungsroman is a noun that refers to a coming of age novel. Our word of the day comes from two Ger
Discommode is a verb that means to inconvenience. The Latin word commodus (COMB oh deuce) means ‘sui
Benignity is a noun that refers to kindness or tolerance toward others. The Latin word bene (BAY nay
Meliorism is a noun that refers to the belief that the world tends to improve. Our word of the day i
Asunder is an adjective that means divided or apart. Coming from the Old English word ‘sunder,’ whic
Esculent is an adjective that means fit to be eaten. Our word of the day has evolved from the Latin
Welter is a noun that refers to a jumble or a confused mess. Coming from Middle English, our word of
Kvell is a verb that means to be happy and proud. Our word of the day comes almost directly from Yid
Philippic is a noun that refers to a bitter attack or denunciation. Our word of the day has its orig
Plethoric is an adjective that means inflated or overfull. Coming almost directly from a Greek word
Adulatory is an adjective that means excessive praising or admiring. The Latin word adulari (ad
Jabberwocky is a noun that refers to meaningless language. A poem by Lewis Carroll called Through th
Susurration is a noun that refers to a soft murmur or whisper. Our word of the day comes from the La
Finagle is a verb that means to obtain something by devious means. Our word of the day was birthed i
Dermic is an adjective that means related to the skin. The Greek word derma (DER muh) means ‘skin.’
Alimentation is a noun that refers to the provision of nourishment and other necessities of life. Th
Pavlovian is an adjective that means having a conditioned or predictable response. Our word of the d
Nival is an adjective that means related to or growing in snow. The Latin word nivalis (knee VOLL ee
Fettle is a noun that refers to condition or working order. Coming from Old English, our word of the
Soniferous is an adjective that means producing or conducting sound. Our word of the day shares an o