The huge Amazon Alexa hit Word of the Day is now available as a podcast! Word of the Day teaches yo
Witling is a noun that refers to a person who pretends to be witty. Our word of the day is related t
Adminicle is a noun that refers to support or aid. The latin word adminiculum (ad mee nee COO loom)
Vulgate is a noun that refers to a commonly recognized text. The Latin word vuglus (VOOL goose) mean
Cobby is an adjective that means short and stocky. The origin of our word of the day is unknown, but
Canter is a verb that means to move in a steady gait. Our word of the day originated in the early 18
Limbic is an adjective that means related to the system of the brain that is governed by emotions an
Nodus is a noun that refers to a problem or difficulty. Our word of the day comes directly from the
Coeval is a noun that refers to a person or roughly the same age as oneself. The Latin prefix C-O me
Jurisprudence is a noun that refers to a legal system. Our word of the day’s Latin prefix J-U-R refe
Anaphora is a noun that refers to the repetition of a word or phrase. Coming from Greek, anaphora is
Junketeer is a noun that refers to a person who regularly goes on trips at another’s expense. The ro
Foofaraw is a noun that refers to a great deal of fuss given to a minor matter. The precise origin o
Irrupt is a verb that means to enter forcibly or suddenly. Our word of the day comes directly from t
Facultative is an adjective that means related to the granting of permission. The French word facult
Bafflegab is a noun that refers to incomprehensible language. Our word of the day is a fairly recent
Today’s word of the day is rubiginous. It’s spelled R-U-B-I-G-I-N-O-U-S. Rubiginous is an adjective
Submontane is an adjective that means at or near the base of a mountain. Our word of the day combine
Prorogue is a verb that means to delay or postpone. The latin word prorogare (pro ro GARE ay) means
Rubicund is an adjective that means having a red complexion. The Latin word rubere (roo BEAR ay) mea
Nabob is a noun that refers to a person of great wealth. Coming from Urdu, our word of the day was o