The huge Amazon Alexa hit Word of the Day is now available as a podcast! Word of the Day teaches yo
Accede is a verb that means to assent or agree to a demand. The Latin word cedere (say DARE ay) mean
Divers is an adjective that means of varying types or several. Coming from the Latin word diversus (
Unshirted is an adjective that means undisguised or plain. Coming from two common English words, uns
Abstruse is an adjective that means difficult to understand or obscure. Abstrusus (ab STREW soos) is
Sine Die is an adverb that means without plans for resumption. Our word of the day is derived from a
Imprimatur is a noun that refers to a person’s acceptance or guarantee that something is of a good s
Countervail is a verb that means to offset the effect of something. The Latin phrase contra Valere (
Ubiety is a noun that refers to the quality or state of being in a place. The Latin word ubi (OOH be
Oligopoly is a state of limited competition. The root word of oligopoly, oligarch means a very rich
Shrive is a verb that means to free from guilt. The Latin word scribere (scri BEAR ay) means ‘to wri
Dataveillance is a noun that refers to the practice of monitoring digital data. Originating in the 1
Corrigendum is a noun that refers to an error. The origin of corrigendum is in the Latin word corrig
Conurbation is a noun that refers to an extended urban area. The Latin prefix C-O-N means ‘together.
Fustian is a noun that refers to pompous or pretentious speech or writing. Coming from the Latin wor
Inunction is an adjective that means the act of rubbing on an oil or ointment. The Latin word inungu
Arboreal is an adjective that mans resembling or related to a tree. The Latin word arbor (ARE bore)
Dross is a noun that refers to something of low value. Our word of the day comes from Old English wh
Carapace is a noun that refers to a protective covering. The Spanish word carapacho (cah ra POCH oh)
Crepitate is a verb that means to make a crackling sound. The latin word crepitare means ‘to crackle
Solatium is a noun that refers to something given as compensation. Our word of the day is derived fr