The huge Amazon Alexa hit Word of the Day is now available as a podcast! Word of the Day teaches yo
Intendiment is a noun that refers to consideration or attention. Our word of the day shares its Lat
Abulia is a noun that refers to an absence of willpower. The Greek word boule (boo LEE) means ‘the
Syncope is a noun that refers to the temporary loss of consciousness caused by a fall in blood press
Sternutation is a noun that refers to the act of sneezing. The Latin word ‘sternuere’ (stern you AI
Villatic is an adjective that means rural. The Latin word villa (WILL uh) has given birth to Englis
Ballyrag is a verb that means to intimidate by bullying. The origin of our word of the day is uncle
Eclat is a noun that refers to a brilliant display or effect. Our word of the day comes almost dire
Misbegotten is an adjective that means badly conceived or planned. The Middle English word ‘beget’
Obnubilate is a verb that means to darken or obscure. The Latin word obnubilare (ob new be LAR ay)
Zhuz is a verb that means to make something more lively. Our word of the day has been around since
Operose is an adjective that means displaying much effort. The Latin word opus (OH poose) means ‘wo
Buccula is a noun that refers to a fold of flesh known as a double chin. Our word of the day comes
Figmental is an adjective that means imaginary. The Latin word fignare (feeg NARE ay) means ’to for
Brachiate is a verb that means to swing from branches like a monkey. Our word of the day comes from
Corniche is a noun that refers to a road running along the coast. Our word of the day comes directl
Caesura is a noun that refers to an interruption or break. The Latin word caedere (ky DARE ay) mean
Lowery is an adjective that means gloomy or sullen. The origin of our word of the day is unknown. B
Balefire is a noun that refers to a large, open-air fire. Our word of the day combines two words ‘b
Inextricable is an adjective that means impossible to disentangle. The Latin word extricare (ex truh
Oppugnant is an adjective that means opposing or antagonistic. Having been around since the early 16