cover of episode Recognizing the Need to Labor w/ Stephanie Ike Okafor

Recognizing the Need to Labor w/ Stephanie Ike Okafor

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

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#religion&spirituality#inner aspirations#effort and destiny#practical methods for energy enhancement#serendipity#workplace power dynamics#life philosophy discussion#finding passion#marital dynamics and gender roles#literature and publishing#personal fulfillment People
Sarah Jakes Roberts
Stephanie Ike Okafor
@Sarah Jakes Roberts : 本期节目探讨了如何在忙碌的生活中平衡多重身份和工作,以及如何在服侍中保持身心健康。她分享了自己的经验和技巧,强调要调整野心以适应精力,不要让野心超过自己的能力,要诚实地面对自己无法做到的事情。她还谈到了在服侍中经历的挑战和悲伤,以及如何依靠上帝的力量克服这些困难。她鼓励听众要优先考虑与上帝的关系,并允许上帝的爱充满自己,然后才能将这份爱传递给他人。 @Stephanie Ike Okafor : Stephanie分享了她从尼日利亚移民到美国,在事奉中经历的成长和变化。她谈到了尼日利亚和西方基督教信仰的不同,认为西方基督教更关注自我,而尼日利亚基督教更关注与上帝的关系。她还分享了她如何认识到事奉的责任,以及如何在服侍中平衡个人生活和家庭责任。她讲述了自己在婚姻中如何与丈夫共同成长,以及如何平衡个人野心和家庭责任。最后,她分享了自己写作《梦想的力量》一书的经历,以及如何通过梦想来了解上帝的旨意。

Deep Dive

在忙碌中找到平衡:与Sarah Jakes Roberts和Stephanie Ike Okafor的对话

最近,我有幸与Sarah Jakes Roberts牧师和Stephanie Ike Okafor牧师进行了一次深入的对话。这次谈话的核心围绕着如何在充实而忙碌的生活中保持平衡,如何在服侍中保持身心健康,以及如何在信仰的旅程中坚定前行。


Sarah分享了她如何平衡牧师妻子、多处教会牧师、企业家、作家以及母亲等多重身份的经验。她坦言,自己的日程安排总是满满当当,需要在各种角色之间灵活切换。她经常在孩子课外活动接送的间隙处理工作,甚至在校车接送的停车场录制播客。她强调,调整野心以适应精力至关重要。 不要试图一口吃成个胖子,要诚实地面对自己能力的边界,并专注于当下所能完成的任务。 她还提到,即使是看似拥有完美生活的个体,也可能在某些方面有所欠缺,因此不必苛求完美,而要学会接纳不完美。


Sarah也分享了她在服侍中遇到的挑战,包括在悲伤的季节里继续服侍的艰难。她提到,上帝不会赋予我们无法胜任的异象,祂会根据我们生命的速度和环境来安排一切。关键在于全然的委身和顺服,即使在痛苦中也要坚持不懈地跟随上帝的带领。 她鼓励听众优先考虑与上帝的关系,让上帝的爱先充满自己,然后才能将这份爱传递给他人。当感到身心俱疲时,要及时停下来,倾听内心的声音,并寻求所需的支持。





Stephanie还分享了她写作《梦想的力量》(The Power of Your Dreams)一书的经历。她解释了选择这个主题的原因,以及她如何通过梦想来了解上帝的旨意。她认为,梦想是上帝与人沟通的重要途径之一,通过对梦想的解读,我们可以更好地了解上帝的计划和引导。 她提供了实用技巧,帮助读者辨别梦想的来源,并从中获得属灵的启示。


与两位牧师的对话让我深刻体会到,在信仰的旅程中,平衡、委身和顺服是至关重要的。无论面对怎样的挑战和困难,只要我们紧紧依靠上帝,并以祂为中心,就能在忙碌的生活中找到平衡,并在服侍中保持身心健康,最终活出上帝所预备的丰盛生命。 两位牧师的分享,不仅提供了宝贵的经验和技巧,更重要的是,她们用自己的生命见证了上帝的大能和恩典。

Key Insights

Why did Stephanie Ike Okafor choose to write a book on dreams?

God interrupted her initial book on forgiveness to instruct her to write about dreams, emphasizing their significance in communication and preparation for current times.

How does Stephanie Ike Okafor differentiate between dreams from God and other dreams?

She explains that the fruit of the dream reveals its source; dreams from God carry His nature and do not cause negative reactions like anxiety or fear.

What advice does Stephanie Ike Okafor give to women concerned about balancing their purpose with traditional roles in marriage?

She advises recognizing the order of leadership in marriage under God, understanding that submission does not suppress but allows for personal blossoming and shared responsibility.

How does Stephanie Ike Okafor describe her experience of recognizing her husband as 'the one'?

She felt an instant connection, describing it as talking to the other half of herself, and recognized him as her husband through a sense of home and familiarity.

What has been the most surprising aspect of Stephanie Ike Okafor's ministry journey?

She is surprised by how God partners with her in ministry, emphasizing the grace and responsibility that comes with serving in His name.

How does Stephanie Ike Okafor view Nigerian Christianity compared to Western Christianity?

She notes a difference in focus, with Nigerian Christianity being more God-centered and Western Christianity tending to be more self-centered.

What does Stephanie Ike Okafor believe about the role of surrender in ministry?

She views surrender as a daily practice, recognizing the need to balance ambition with energy and being honest about limitations to serve effectively.

How did Stephanie Ike Okafor's early experiences as an usher influence her ministry approach?

Her role as an usher taught her to see people deeply, understanding their burdens and praying for opportunities to encourage them, which has carried into her ministry.

What was Stephanie Ike Okafor's initial career aspiration before entering ministry?

She initially aspired to be a criminal lawyer, influenced by witnessing injustices in Nigeria and wanting to help correct them.

Sarah Jakes Roberts discusses how she balances her ambition with her energy, emphasizing the importance of being honest about what she can and cannot do.
  • Not allowing ambition to outpace energy
  • Being honest about limitations
  • The significance of the message in her book for current times

Shownotes Transcript

Join us as Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and Pastor Stephanie Ike Okafor share the story of how their paths first crossed, long before stepping into ministry together! With everyone still talking about surrender (yes, we hear you!), they dive into the challenges of serving even in seasons of grief. From meeting her husband to writing a book on dreams, Stephanie opens up with us. So ladies, don’t miss out—tap in and explore the power of visual imagery and spiritual insight by grabbing a copy of The Power of Your Dreams today!

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