Witness History

History as told by the people who were there.


Total: 2019

The Buenos Aires Herald


The English-language newspaper was credited with standing up to Argentina's military dictatorship du

In the 1990s students began boycotting Nike after it became linked to sweatshops. Many were horrifie

Germany's Nudists


For years Germans have been bathing nude at the beach. Many are members of a naturist movement calle

Reagan's Bombing Joke


"We have outlawed Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes". It was just an unscripted joke

Florence Nightingale


Nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale - known to generations as the "lady with the lamp" - died on Au

Exactly a year before Indian independence there were deadly riots in India's second city of Calcutta

The acclaimed Palestinian cartoonist was gunned down in London in 1987. His attackers have never bee

In the summer of 1997 Captain Charles Moore was on his way home from a yacht race when he came upon

The Camp David Summit


In 2000 the US led a major effort to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Bill Clinton br

In July 1999, the spiritual movement Falun Gong was banned in China. Thousands of people were arrest

In 1977 a state hospital near Paris began quietly changing the way women gave birth. Obstetrician, D

During World War Two, Croatian fascists tortured and killed tens of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Rom

The Death of Evita


On July 26 1952 Argentina's controversial First Lady, Eva Peron, died in Buenos Aires. During her sh

Pioneer North Sea Divers


In the 1970s, deep sea divers were at the sharp end of the North Sea oil boom. Alex Last has been sp

The battle for China between Communists and Nationalists left Mao the victor in 1949. Defeated Natio

In July 1967, homosexuality was legalised in England and Wales for the first time. Before that gay m

In the 1960s, millions of Soviet families were able for the first time to move to a flat of their ow

The Welsh Language Act


In July 1967 there was a breakthrough for the Welsh language. The Welsh Language Act allowed people

During the Vietnam war, the US army's Psychological Operations, or PSYOP, teams were deployed to bat

The Bonus Army


In the summer of 1932, tens of thousands of American First World War veterans marched on Washington