Wild Turkey Science is a science-based podcast bringing you the latest research on wild turkey ecolo
Ted DeVos, co-founder of Bach and DeVos Forestry and Wildlife Services, walks us from ground zero th
Dr. Bronson Strickland, co-director of the MSU Deer Lab and founder of the Deer University podcast,
After much feedback from our latest episode, we sit down to review through recent episodes and lay o
Dr. Craig Harper and Dr. Dave Buehler from the University of Tennessee join us to discuss results fr
Adam Butler, Wild Turkey Program Coordinator for the Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries an
Dr. Alan Krakauer joins us to dive into his research on turkey kin selection and breakdown the many
Dr. Dwayne Elmore, Director of the Game Bird Program at Tall Timbers Research Station, joins us to b
Marcus and Will sit down under one roof to review the available literature on declining insect popul
Mark Turner, PhD candidate in Dr. Craig Harper’s lab at the University of Tennessee, joins us to dis
Dr. Mike Chamberlain, Terrell Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management at the University of Geor
Dr. Rick Gerhold, Associate Professor of Parasitology/Wildlife Diseases at the University of Tenness
Tes Randle Jolly, award-winning professional wildlife and turkey photographer extraordinaire, joins
Dr. Richard Buccholz, Director of the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation Research at the Unive
Dr. Patrick Wightman, Research Scientist at UGA, joins Marcus and Will to reveal results from a rece
New data brings to light more pieces of our habitat-predator puzzle. Join as Marcus and Will pull fr
Dr. Geoff Hill, professor of Biological Sciences at Auburn University, joins Marcus and Will to brea
Marcus and Will explain why our current data on turkeys supports both sides of this ongoing debate a
Will and Marcus discuss why they and other biologists are more likely to endorse habitat management,
Mark Hatfield, National Director of Science and Planning for NWTF, joins Marcus and Will to discuss
Jason Lupardus, Director of Business Operations and Partnerships for Turkeys for Tomorrow, joins Mar