Each episode of Why It Matters breaks down an issue that is shaping our world’s future. Join host Ga
For years, the world thought of the internet as a borderless zone that brought people from around th
The 2022 FIFA World Cup has kicked off in Qatar, and billions of fans worldwide are tuning in to the
The world is already witnessing the effects of climate change. One inescapable and irreversible cons
The global arms trade is big business and the United States accounts for more than 40 percent of the
How does a war end? In this special episode, Why It Matters speaks with CFR President Richard Haass
The U.S.-Saudi relationship is fraught with complications. Saudi Arabia has the largest oil reserves
Beware, coffee lovers: climate change could disrupt your precious morning cup of joe. Coffee beans c
Hip-hop is a phenomenon that has captured hearts around the world. Its musical form ranges from part
For the past two thousand years, the pope has been a major player in global affairs. He is frequentl
In this special episode, Why It Matters follows up with CFR President Richard Haass to hear his insi
For years, large corporations have exploited international tax laws to pay less taxes. But last year
How can the world create better medicines? More powerful solar cells? New batteries? The answers cou
In this special episode, Why It Matters sits down with CFR President Richard Haass to ask the basic
As the conflict in Ukraine escalates, here are some resources from the Council on Foreign Relations
The world is moving toward electric vehicles and clean energy, but a green future doesn’t depend on
Why It Matters is back for a fifth season, asking the important questions about the global issues, p
The Why It Matters team is pleased to introduce a new CFR series, Nine Questions for the World. T
Last summer, China tested a hypersonic missile that traveled through orbit. The test shocked many ob
Nuclear energy is critical for decarbonization in the fight against climate change. But high-profile