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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

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Esther Perel (治疗师)
女同性恋伴侣之一:长期以来,她一直难以公开承认自己是同性恋,并为此感到羞愧。她们的关系建立在一个秘密之上,这个秘密导致了她们之间的沟通障碍和情感隔阂。她们的关系中存在性生活缺失、怨恨和内疚等问题,这些问题都与她们的秘密有关。她与伴侣的恋情始于一段婚外情,持续了七八年,期间她一直隐藏着这段关系。她长期过着双重生活,在家庭和恋情之间挣扎,并为此感到内疚。她离婚后,伴侣才搬进家,她试图合理化自己的行为,并否认自己是为了伴侣而离婚。她对这段关系的起源感到羞愧,并试图掩盖真相。她对自己的性取向感到羞愧,并认为这与社会对同性恋的偏见有关。她试图通过维持传统的婚姻生活来掩盖自己对性取向的恐惧和不安。即使19年过去了,她仍然难以公开自己的性取向,并为此感到困扰。她的女儿们知道她是同性恋,但她们很少谈论这个话题。她回避谈论某些事情,认为只要不谈论,这些事情就不存在。她对自己的身份和与伴侣的关系缺乏清晰的定义,这影响了她们关系的合法性。她担心向女儿们坦白真相会引起不必要的困扰和不安。她害怕面对真相,并因此逃避与过去和解。她习惯于回避负面信息,并试图维持表面的和谐。她需要完整地讲述自己的故事,包括积极和消极的部分。她曾尝试与伴侣沟通自己的需求,但没有得到回应。她需要改变与伴侣的互动方式,才能打破权力不平衡。她对自己缺乏自信,并认为自己能力不足。她需要挑战自己的限制性思维,并采取行动改变现状。她需要从青少年的思维模式中走出来,并接纳自己。她需要接纳自己故事的完整性,包括积极和消极的部分。 女同性恋伴侣之二: Esther Perel (治疗师):羞耻和秘密是破坏关系和家庭的腐蚀性因素,需要被揭露和解决。她对这段关系的起源感到羞愧,并试图掩盖真相。社会对同性恋的偏见导致她对自己的性取向感到羞愧和隐藏。她们需要更新应对策略,因为过去的策略不再适应她们当前的现实。她们的关系起源仍然困扰着她,阻碍了她对未来的展望。她需要正式承认自己的性取向,并公开自己的关系。她对过去的事情过于回避,并因此将同样的回避心理强加于她的女儿们。她害怕面对真相,并因此逃避与过去和解。她需要承担责任,并接纳自己故事中的所有部分。她需要完整地讲述自己的故事,并与家人坦诚相待。治疗师的目标是帮助她进行坦诚的沟通,并克服焦虑和恐慌。治疗师关注的是她的内心感受如何影响她们的关系,而不仅仅是她个人的感受。她应该为自己的行为负责,而不是为了取悦前夫而道歉。她应该感谢前夫的宽容和理解。长期压抑情感会导致情感表达单一化。她需要表达真实的情感,而不是用相同的语气表达不同的情感。她需要与女儿们坦诚沟通,并解开她们之间的秘密。她需要向女儿们解释她做出选择的动机,而不仅仅是表达自己的内心感受。她需要承认自己对家庭的破坏,并解释自己选择的动机。她对伴侣的怨恨源于她对自身秘密的压抑。秘密会影响几代人,并造成伤害。她们需要处理过去的影响,以及她们日常生活中存在的冲突和权力不平衡。她们需要对彼此的付出和缺失进行全面的评估,而不是只关注负面方面。她们需要停止互相指责,并承担责任。她们之间存在父母与子女的关系模式,这阻碍了她们的性关系。她们需要改变沟通方式,才能建立平等的关系。她们的关系中存在权力不平衡,一方扮演父母角色,另一方扮演孩子角色。她们需要打破这种权力不平衡,才能建立平等的关系。她们的关系中存在权力不平衡,一方拥有更多的资源和社会地位。她们的关系中存在权力不平衡,但真正的权力并不掌握在拥有更多资源的一方手中。她需要独立自主,而不是总是依赖伴侣。她需要改变对自身能力的认知,并相信自己的价值。她需要改变与伴侣的互动方式,才能打破权力不平衡。她需要挑战自己的限制性思维,并采取行动改变现状。她需要从青少年的思维模式中走出来,并接纳自己。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does the woman still struggle with her identity as a gay person after 19 years with her partner?

She still struggles with her identity as a gay person due to deep-seated shame and guilt from her past, which includes an eight-year affair while she was married. This has made it difficult for her to be open about her sexuality and relationship, even in public settings like holding hands.

Why did the woman wait eight years before ending her marriage and moving in with her partner?

The woman waited eight years before ending her marriage and moving in with her partner because she was deeply conflicted and felt a lot of guilt and shame. She wanted to make sure her ex-husband and children were taken care of before making the transition, and she feared the social and familial consequences of her actions.

Why does the woman feel conflicted about telling her daughters the full story of her relationship with her partner?

The woman feels conflicted about telling her daughters the full story because she fears their judgment and the potential impact on their relationship. She also worries about the social stigma and the burden of revealing her past actions, which she feels ashamed about.

Why does the woman feel that her partner has been in a crisis of legitimacy from the beginning of their relationship?

The woman feels that her partner has been in a crisis of legitimacy because she has never fully acknowledged or officialized the relationship. This has led to a lack of recognition and respect for her partner's role in her life and with her children, causing ongoing tension and resentment.

Why does the woman feel like she needs a 'coming out ceremony' at 50?

The woman feels like she needs a 'coming out ceremony' at 50 because she has never fully embraced and publicly acknowledged her identity as a gay person. This ceremony would help her own her story, reduce her shame, and legitimize her relationship with her partner.

Why does the woman feel a strong need to protect her daughters from her past?

The woman feels a strong need to protect her daughters from her past because she is afraid that revealing the details of her affair and the complexity of her relationship will cause them pain and confusion. She believes that keeping the past a secret will shield them from the negative consequences.

Why does the woman feel that her partner is treated like a child in their relationship?

The woman feels that her partner is treated like a child in their relationship because she often takes on a parental role, making decisions and managing daily life. This dynamic has led to a power imbalance and a lack of equality, which has contributed to the lack of intimacy and affection in their relationship.

Why does the woman feel that her partner needs to step up and be more adult-like in their relationship?

The woman feels that her partner needs to step up and be more adult-like because she wants them to take more responsibility and initiative in their relationship. This includes being more involved in daily life, being accountable for their actions, and showing more affection and intimacy.

Why does the woman feel that her partner's lack of self-belief is a major issue in their relationship?

The woman feels that her partner's lack of self-belief is a major issue because it affects their ability to take action, make decisions, and contribute to the relationship. This has created a dynamic where the woman often has to take on more responsibilities, leading to frustration and resentment.

Why does the woman feel that she needs to own both the good and bad parts of her story?

The woman feels that she needs to own both the good and bad parts of her story to fully embrace her identity and move forward. By acknowledging her mistakes and the positive aspects of her relationship, she can reduce her shame, take responsibility, and create a more balanced and authentic narrative.

This chapter delves into the couple's 19-year relationship, built on a foundation of secrecy surrounding one partner's sexuality and their eight-year affair. The impact of this secret on their intimacy, communication, and family dynamics is explored, highlighting the shame and guilt they carry.
  • 19-year relationship built on an eight-year secret affair
  • Shame and secrecy affect intimacy and family dynamics
  • The impact of societal messages on the couple's shame and hiding their sexuality

Shownotes Transcript

This is a classic session of Where Should We Begin?, but might still be new to many of you. What began as an eight-year affair between two women has stretched into a 19-year partnership. But despite their private commitment to one another, they’ve never quite managed to move beyond the shame of their origin story. Esther takes a novel approach to revealing a long-held secret.

If you have an individual question you would like to talk through with Esther, please send a voice memo to [email protected]. If you would like to apply for a couples session with Esther, please click here:

Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire.

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